- I DO NOT like face tattoos OF ANY SORT! If you have a face tattoo, you are AUTOMATICALLY unattractive to me and you should just stay the FUCK away from me. =]
- I don't really like a whole lot of black and grey tats. Some are okay, especially if it's like a portrait or something. But too much b&g is too much. I like colors. Colors pop and make the tat look unbelievable.
- You having TOO MANY tats is really ugly. Like if you have a whole chest piece, that's not hot. A very good example would be Trace Cyrus. That chest piece COUPLED with his FACE tats is WAY too much and makes him ugly. =] I do, however, like SMALL pieces. Like tats ABOVE your boob area. Those look nice. And maybe a few tats on your stomach, but NEVER an ENTIRE chest/torso piece.
- Tats on the hands, I'm on the fence. Some look amazing while others look really stupid. As far as the fingers go, I'm alright with those. It's the back of the hand I'm iffy about. ESPECIALLY the palm. WTF?! Why would you want a tat on you PALM?! It makes no sense.
- Tats on your armpits. Really? What the FUCK is the point of having a tattoo ON YOUR ARMPIT!?! o_O I see NO logic behind those and I think they're kinda stupid. =] Even if the tat's really awesome looking, to me it's gonna be a little dumb and I'm most likely NOT gonna like it. =]
But yeah. Those are my tattoo exceptions. Basically anywhere else is fine with me. Even the neck AND feet. Especially cuz I want tats on my neck and feet. =]
The reason as to WHY the whole Jesse James incident will be in this post is because I think that the SLUT he "cheated" with DOES have some nice tats. He has awesome tats as well.
(the reason cheated is in " is cuz we don't know for SURE that anything actually happened. Some out there say that she actually got PAID just to say that. One estimate was that she got paid $30,000. And I for one don't go with the flow and automatically believe that he cheated. Though, if he did, he needs to get hit upside the head with a 2x4. Sandra Bullock is awesome. 'Nuff said.)
I do, however, don't like some of her tats. One of which IS ON HER ARMPIT! It's of a brass knuckle. Really?! ON YOUR ARMPIT?! wtfever. It's hideous. ALSO! She has a TAT ON HER FACE that says "Pray for us sinners". REALLY?! Is that REALLY on your fucking FOREHEAD?! o__O
She has two identical tats on her lower stomach that look like Day of the Dead-esque tats. They look beautiful. She also has a large back piece that looks stunning. I believe it's a dragon with some flowers and flames. Beautiful. Though she also has two big flowers on her ASS that transcend from her lower back, onto BOTH her ass cheeks and a little bit down the back of her thighs. I'm not a huge fan of where they're placed, but they do look pretty.
Aside from the Day of the Dead tats on the lower stomach, she has a few that go up. I'm not a huge fan of those. They look pretty, but not a fan. She also has two large flowers on either side of her chest as well as a Heart lock between her boobs. I'm not a fan of that AT ALL. I'm not a huge fan of tats that go between your boobs. It might look cool sometimes, but, in the end, NO.
She also has little stars on MOST of her fingers. Meh. They're not that awesome. She also has tats on her hands. Also, not awesome. Her entire right arm is a BEAUTIFUL colored sleeve. Her left arm isn't so pretty. It's just bits and pieces that aren't connected. On the lower half of her left arm, she has Cheetah spots. Those look way dumb.
Now, as for Jesse James, I haven't seen all of his tats. But of the ones I HAVE seen, they look awesome. AND! They're COLOR! ;D
The one(s) that I like most are the ones on his wrists. They're of his first 2 kids' names; Chandler and Jesse Jr. Though I'm pretty positive that the Jr part isn't actually on the wrist; just Jesse. His kids names are Old English in some flames. They look really cool. On his right arm, he has a awesome looking skull. He DOES, however, have tats on his hands. They're colorful, but in the end, not all that attractive.
Also on his arms, from what I can see, he has: a set of praying hands, a dragon, some flames, an Octopus, Nautical star, a bike chain (on Octopus) and some other tats. I can't see the ones that are under his shirt.