Sunday, May 23, 2010

Today's Song!!

Today's song is Your Forgiveness by The Rasmus. =]
The Rasmus is one of Finland's awesomest band. ♥ They've been together since 1994 when they all met in high school. The only line change they've had was in '99 when the drummer left. He was replaced with Aki Hakkala. yay! Before 2001, they were simply known as Rasmus. But they didn't want to be confused with a Swedish DJ named Rasmus, so they changed their name to The Rasmus.

Your Forgiveness is from their newest album, Black Roses. The album in general is about breakup, the feelings happening after the breakup and feelings while being trapped in the relationship. The songs were written by the band. But Lauri has writing creds on all of the songs. Given the meanings of the songs and his writing creds, I believe that the songs, especially Livin' In A World Without You, are about a breakup he had with Paula Vesala. Paula is one of the vocalists for the Finnish Pop group PMMP. I LOVE them! ♥
Off topic. I believe that the songs were inspired by a breakup. Your Forgiveness is one of my favorite songs from the album. So enjoy! ♥
(PS, the video was directed by the bands Bassist Eero Heinonen. ♥)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday's Song

Friday's song. WOO!! ♥ Today's song is The Outsider by A Perfect Circle. One of my favs.
A Perfect Circle is fronted by Tool's frontman, Maynard James Keenan. The Outsider, evident from the lyrics, I believe is an Anti-suicide song. I'm partial about suicide. If you want to kill yourself, who should say no and try to stop you. Wanting to end your life should be your decision and your decision alone.
But anyways. There are actually THREE versions of The Outsider; the original one , a light remix and a darker remix. The darker remix is often called the Resident Renholder mix or the Apocalypse Remix. Under the title Resident Renholder mix, it was on the Resident Evil: Apocalypse soundtrack. It was also on the Prison Break soundtrack listed as Apocalypse Mix. The light remix is called the Frosted Yogurt mix. It's more toned down than the original song.

Below are the 3 versions. My fav is the original and the Apocalypse Remix. ENJOY! ♥

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Day

Okay. Today, at like 5, I walked my ass to Wal-Mart because my cat, BooBoo, AGAIN, ate my fucking headphones; rendering them USELESS. My grandma was PISSED! Especially because I had JUST gotten a new pair no more than 2 months ago! ><><>After I looked at the CDs, I went to the self checkout stand in the front, cuz the girl in the Electronic dept. was on the phone so her booth was closed. Whatever. So anyways. I was at the checkout and scanned my items. Because all I had gotten were headphones; which I was gonna wear after I exited the store; and my earrings, which could easily fit inside my purse, I just put them in a bag until I paid for them. Then I took them out and left. =]
When I got outside, I took the headphones out of the container, and put them on my head. ♥ The earrings were in my purse.

When I got home, I called my mother to see if I could go over there. When I called her to ask, she said that she was on her way out to go pick up the baby's crib. I said to wait 5/10 mins so I could go over there. She said fine. My grandma yelled at me, saying that I had to let the dog out, vacuum, and what not. I let the dog out, but because I was in a hurry, and she was being a bitch, she wasn't out long enough to go to the bathroom. My grandma was pissed and then I slammed the door and left. When I was leaving, she was on the phone with my mother. IDK what she was talking about. But when I got to my mother's house, her bf asked me what she was yelling about. I told him it was cuz I didn't let Lacy(the dog) out long enough and blah blah blah. My mother asked me as well, I told her the same thing.

After about 5mins of being in the house, we left for Wal-Mart to pick up the baby crib. We get to Wal-mart, pass the electronic section. My mother's bf, Leo, goes in it to check out the movies. He didn't get any. Then we went to the Site-To-Store pickup area to get the crib. We get it and take it to the car. The crib box didn't fit all the way into the car, so a little of it was sticking out of the trunk.
We get back home and Leo & I bring it up the stairs, to the apt, and into the baby's room. Then I precede to open the box and take everything out. After every thing's out, my mother and I start to assemble it. Leo didn't help until about the middle of putting it together. We think it was because he felt left out. He said it was because of some baseball game. But whatever. We get it finished and it looked GOOD! Then I notice that the bottom where the mattress goes was way crooked. But, we leave it as it was and left to get the mattress for it.
The first Wal-Mart we went to, were we got the crib, didn't have the mattress that my mother wanted. So we went to one far away. I told her of the one that was near my house (the one I had just gone to earlier) and she said No cuz it was a Ghetto-Mart. I agree with her.
We get to the Wal-mart and go to the baby section for the mattress. While there, I see the Pooh Bear walker and bouncy seat thingy for the baby. I ask if she's gonna get either one. She said no. -_- Not even if someone GETS her the walker, will she use it. Such a bitch. Anyways. After we get the mattress we go to the checkout stand and then leave. When we put it in the car, the backseats had to go down. So! Because BOTH were down, I was sitting on top of the mattress. My head touched the headliner and I couldn't sit back all the way because there was nothing for me to hold my back; just a big empty hole that is the trunk.
After we get the mattress into the car, we go to In-N-Out to eat. Mind you, it's about 9:30pm when we enter In-N-Out. We order and eat there. While we were eating, both Leo and Lisa(my mother) had their phones out. They have the crappy Droid. I don't have a cell phone. I felt SO left out. ='[ Near the end of eating, inside I start to get a little panicky because I couldn't remember if my music player (which originally was/is my cell phone when I had service {a year ago}) was in the car. When we get to the car and I see that it IS indeed in it, I sigh a sigh of relief. After I get into the car and place myself on top of the mattress, I bend down to get it so I could listen to music. While bending down, I accidentally flip over my little basket of fries. They go flying everywhere. ;-; BUT! Because it was Leo's car and he's VERY anal about it being clean, even though he HATES it, I eat what fries I can see. =]
When we get to the apt, I take the mattress up the stairs. Leo, still mad about the fries, looks to see if there's anymore. After searching, he comes up the stairs and unlocks the door. I take the mattress to the baby's room and place it leaning on the wall. I noticed what was wrong with the mattress board before we left. So when they got in to the baby's room, I told them what it was and we fixed it. After it was fixed, Leo put the matress in the crib. We see that it fits and he takes the plastic off it. I then get the little Winnie the Pooh crib sheet and mattress pad for it, and Leo and Lisa put both on. It looks CUTE! ♥
After the crib sheet was on and we were done admiring it, Leo showed me how to unhook the car seat from the stroller and how to fold the stroller. It's all very easy. I felt like I was five. Fold a stroller is NOT that hard. =] In fact! They made it EASIER! ♥ I remember when it was difficult! You had to push the little buttons that were on either side and then try and fold. It was truly a two person job just to fold and unfold those strollers. NOW! It's really quite simple. All you need to do is simply twist a little holder that's on the stroller handle, fold in half and TA-DA! It's folded! ^^
When the demonstration was all done, I took Bailey, Leo's dog, out for a walk. He peed, squatting of course. When we were walking back to the apt, he smelled a tree. I got all hopefull for a minute that he would actually LIFT his leg and act like a boy dog. But, to no avail, he didn't do it. =[ Though he HAS done it in the past. But I don't think he's gonna be lifting his leg anytime soon.

Soon after I come back inside, Lisa takes me home. And to think; I went over there to play Saw and I didn't!! BUT! She gets off early tomorrow; 3pm. So I'mma call her at like 3:30 and ask to come over. ^^
But now because of all the walking I did, my legs, knees and ankles HURT like hell!!! ='[ AND I'm tired. AND I'm hungry. =[


(oh, btw, Lisa's having a boy! Not really happy; I was wishing for a girl. But whatever. I asked her the other day what she was gonna name him. She said maybe Tristan. I LOVE that name! ♥ For the middle name, Leo's parents pick it out. So they have no say in what it is. [Leo's 1/2 Chinese 1/2 Japanese]{he was born in Japan. :o Japan's AWESOME! ♥})