Saturday, August 21, 2010


The past few days, I've been listening to a LOT of Shinedown. Idky. But I LOVE them!! I have their 3 albums, Leave A Whisper, Us and Them and The Sound of Madness. My favorite album is Leave A Whisper hands down. It's a very good album! My favorite song from that album, besides 45, is Burning Bright and I LOVE their rendition of Simple Man. Very good. ♥
Also, a VERY GOOD, very SAD song from their album The Sound of Madness is Call Me. :'( Makes me cry almost everytime I hear it.

Below are lyrics to TWO of their songs (Both from Us and Them) and a music video or two. :) Enjoy! ♥♥♥

Whisper in the yard and turn the trees all into toys. Lay there on the ground and turn the dirt into your joy. From what I see and what I know, it's all been boring lately. So I suggest we trade a question mark in for a maybe. Time your riddles right and make a point that has no sense. Make sure that you're smiling and the money's been well spent. Innocence and ignorance it all goes hand in hand. I'm not sure that I'm right, but I hope you'll understand. I hope that you're still searching for the start that has no end and all the plastic people have now become your friends. Before you start to drift and your soul begins to scream, I just wanted to tell you that you're listening to a dream.

--The Dream (recited by Olivia Battaglia)

Once I had a halo but then it caught on fire. Once I knew a good man but he turned into a liar. Once I saw a blind man still looking for his eyes. Once I met a bastard who watched his father die. And now I'll tell ya how I know them all; I'm looking down on the atmosphere. I took my number and I waited in line. I'm not frail from the exposure; I'm taking pictures with my mind. Once I met a leader born from genocide. Once I knew a preacher to his faith he said goodbye. Once I met a good girl who shows her face no more. It's hard to learn your lesson when you've become the whole world's whore. And this is how I know them all; looking down on the atmosphere, looking down on the atmosphere. I took my number and I waited in line.



Burning Bright

Call Me

Shed Some Light

Simple Man

Lady So Devine

The Dream

2 Months

OMG! It's been almost 2 months since I last posted!!! aaahh!! Bad blogger. Sorries about that!! ♥

Well! First off I'll tell you what's been happening since the last post; Nothing really!! haha! Well, a few things: Met my dad, my baby brother was born, & the jackass with the AWESOME board games left.

First off! My dad. Those 3 days were soo awesome!! ♥ He came with my lil brother (Will) and his girlfriend (Rosemary). The first night they came, we ate at Denny's and then my dad and I drove around and just talked for about an hr or 2. It was really cool. We had a lot of laughs and learned about each other.
The second day (and also my bday), they came inside my place and talked to my grandma. Grandma twisted some stuff to make it look like she was the good guy. It bugged me and he could see that. When we left he told me and that it was alright. After we left my place, we went back to their hotel room and I had cake!! =D I also got my hair cut!! WOO!! ♥ I love it! Rosemary did it cuz she's a hairstylist. After the cake and the haircut, Rosemary left and Will, my dad and I were in the room just chilling. Then she came back and we went to the strip! Not very exciting, but we windowshopped and went to a few Casinos. It was really fun. It got late and my feet hurt, so she took me home.
The Third day I got my cell phone!! ♥ It died quickly though, especially cuz it was only half charged. But whatevers. After the phone, we went to a gun store!! WOO!! I shot guns!! It was SOOO FUN!!! ♥♥ Then after that we went to see the Tournament of Kings at the Excaliber. Also fun. There were a LOT of HAWT guys in the show!! :3 King Norway and the Devil King or whatever also. So, to put it short, alot of eye candy. ;) After that we went to GAMEWORKS!! =D SOO FUN! I won a LOT of tickets; almost 2,000!! ♥ Then after that we just walked the strip some more for awhile, then went home.
The Fourth day I went to a Tmobile store to get the number changed and to put my name on the account as an Authorized user. :) Then after that we went back to their hotel and we played a really fun card game for awhile. Then went to the strip and ate at this really yummy restaurant called Stripburger. I had a crispy chickenburger. VERY GOOD! Then did MORE sight seeing of the Strip! Then home
The Last day, we got up early and had breakfast at iHop. Then they had to leave. But the weekend was VERY fun and I was VERY grateful for it. And I can't wait till I meet the rest of my dad's side of the family! :) ♥

On July 14, at 2 in the morning, my baby brother Tristan was born. He was born about a week premature. But it's alright. He was a little small, but he was released from the hospital when my mother was. It's now been a little over a month and he's gotten so big!! He weighed 5lbs 14ozs at birth. He now weighs around 7lbs. :) I am a VERY proud big sissy again! ♥

About a week or two after my baby brother was born, I contacted my bff again! YAY! She moved back to Colorado, or so I thought, last year. She lives in Arizona right now. I haven't been able to contact her since cuz she doesn't have a myspace and unbeknownst to be, she shielded herself on the Search engine on Facebook. So you couldn't find her unless she let you. WELL! We now talk, well text, a few times. :) BUT!

And in other news! The jackass with the AWESOME boardgames has moved away. :( It only makes me sad cuz now we can't have game nights. Which means no more Arkham Horror, Cosmic Encounter, Pandemic and the awesome card game Fluxx. I'd say no more Apples to Apples, but Diana bought it. So we're good. :) After I get a job, I'mma buy the board games. So we'll be all right. ...After I FIND a job. ='C

Which brings me to other news!!! The place where my mother and her bf work are hiring again!! Leo, my mother's bf, said that he'd go to HR and tell them to hire me! So I reapplied to Sitel with his name in the "Refferenced by" part. A few days ago they called me! YAY! They only asked me simple questions regarding my application though. Like have I worked for them before, am I available to work Monday thru Sunday, etc. I told them and she said that she'd keep me posted or some shit. GOD! I hope they hire me!! I mean, they hired my mother! So I guess in reality there wouldn't be a reason why they wouldn't hire me. But Idk. I gotta ask Leo about it again. =\

BUT YEAH!! That's basicly all that's happened to me in the past 2 months. :) Not ever exciting in ways, but it was kinda fun! ♥