Friday, October 1, 2010

Job pt3

Guess who has a job???!! :D

I DOO!!! ♥♥♥♥

I went in for another interview Thursday. This time it was for Sony. I answered some questions and I got the job! :) I start Oct 18th. I'll be making $9/hr starting off. I had some laughs with the guy interviewing me cuz he knows my mother and her bf. Him and Leo always pretend that they hate each other. Even in front of the other workers. It's funny. :)
Right after the interview and the signing of papers saying that I was hired, I went to do a drug test. I had to pee in a cup!!! I didn't have to do that with my other job! But whatever. It was fine. I got free coffee and a yummy granola bar that had peanut butter on it. ♥

When I got home after the interview, I had to watch my baby bro. I set up the Xbox and started playing Left 4 Dead 2. I played for an hr or 2. Then got really tired. I couldn't go to bed though cuz I had to watch Tristan. Aand I forgot his stupid bottle. -_- So he was really fussy. Ugh! ><>

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