Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I am contemplating going to College. Where? San Francisco. I was looking at the University of San Francisco last night, but I don't believe I'll be going to that one. Even if I do pick a college, I don't know when I'll join.
You see, my mother, as I have said in earlier posts, is having a baby in early August. After she has the baby and goes back to work, I'm going to be the one who babysits him while she's at work. I don't know how long I'll be babysitting. I will love it though because I love children. I would like to go to college though. But, of course, I would need to get my GED.
I don't have my high school diploma because of personal reasons. Mostly because, when senior year started, I had a job that I didn't want to sacrifice for school. When I quit the job, school was already halfway over. My mother re-enrolled me into high school, but she moved out a few days later. After she moved out, I stopped going because I have insomnia. Most nights I wouldn't have even went to bed by the time I had to get up. So I would always sleep in class and get yelled at for it. I thought it bullshit and stopped going. I didn't graduate and I don't have my GED yet. I don't really care for my GED. Mostly because I don't believe that a little piece of paper signed by a bunch of assholes should determine whether or not I'm smart. I know I'm smart. I may not be smart with the choices I have made in life, but intellectually and factually, I am smart.

But I digress. The first college in SF I looked at was the University of San Francisco. But because I believe that you need a high school diploma to enter that university, I don't believe that I'll be going to that school. The college that I am now looking into is Chabot College.
For college, I would like to be a major in Music Theory with minors in both Art and History. Though, to be honest, these would not help me with the life career I have chosen. I want to be a Hair Stylist. =] Stupid and somewhat dumb, perhaps. But I like working with peoples hair. I am no good with my own hair, but with other peoples, yes. Because I can see clearly what I'm doing. I can't see what I'm doing with my own hair.

Enough of hair talk. I would like to go to college in San Francisco, with a major in Music Theory and minors in Art and History.
I chose Music Theory because I love music. I would like to know how Harmonies and Rhythms work. How different parts of the song come together to create a beautiful sound. How to read sheet music. I would very much love to learn how to read sheet music. I think sheet music can be very pretty at times. All the different notes. And in truth, one of my many tattoo ideas has music notes incorporated into it.
I chose Art because I love to draw. Though I am NOT very good at it. I would like to learn. To be able to paint beautiful landscapes, or figures of people. Or maybe even just a beautiful mess. Though, mind you, not like that Jackson Pollock, I believe, who used paint splatters as art. No, no. I don't like his paintings at all. My favorite painter of all time is Johannes Vermeer. I LOVE him because of the how he painted. He didn't paint with just one color. No. He used many colors to create something beautiful.

In one of his paintings, The Girl with a Wineglass, the woman is wearing a red skirt. Though in the shadows of the skirt, it looks a little purple. The shadows of the red satin dress are under painted in natural ultramarine, and, owing to this underlying blue paint layer, the red lake and vermilion mixture applied over it acquires a slightly purple, cool and crisp appearance that is most powerful.

I also loved how his paintings could draw so much emotion. There is one, Woman Holding A Balance, She is dressed in the traditional blue outfit of Mary, and she is pregnant, which suggests there is a connection with the choice and the Last Judgement depicted in the background. The woman stands between a depiction of the Last Judgment hung in a heavy black frame, and a table covered with jewelry representing material possessions. The empty scale stresses that she is balancing spiritual rather than material considerations. Vermeer's portrayal does not impart a sense of tension or conflict; the woman exudes serenity. Her self-knowledge is suggested by the mirror on the wall. The painting suggests the importance of moderation, self-awareness, and a full understanding of the implications of a final judgment, and what it would be to be the woman who gave birth to it.

But I have again digressed too much. The last is History. I chose History simply because I love History. I love to learn about different counties and what happened in their growth throughout the centuries. My favorite civilization is, of course, Ancient Egypt. But my second most favorite time period would be that of King Henry VIII and a little after him; between 1600-1800. Nothing more later in the 1800s because everything seemed to start getting modernized? I guess you could say. I love the old times. The times of big dresses with tight corsets. How everything was so simple in those days. It would've been nice to live in those times I think. Well, if you were high class. If you were low class, things wouldn't have been so nice.

I come to the end and to the point. I would love to go to college in San Francisco to have a, oh I don't know, Masters? in Music Theory with minors in Art and History. But because of present timings, I cannot. Hopefully in the not too distant future, I am able to. When things are more settled and I have become more settled in life. When I am at a happier place in my life, perhaps.

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