Thursday, April 1, 2010

Today's Song

It's not quite Friday, but there IS a song today! Cuz it's been awhile since I've last done one. =]

Today's song is Ryoujoku no Ame by Dir En Grey.
I first heard Dir En Grey while at a Korn concert in '06. They were one of the 2 bands to open for Korn. (The other being Deadsy) I was turned off at first because 1. I had just heard them for the first time and didn't know who they were & 2. Kyo(lead singer) hit himself in the face and made himself bleed. I'm not into shit like that. I thought it EXTREMELY stupid.
However, since becoming friends with a very good friend of mine who's obsessed with DEG, I have come to love them. I will give you basic DEG info.
DEG is a metal band from Japan. They have been around since around '97. When they first started, they were into the Visual Kei looks; i.e. they dressed and looked like girls. They have since grown out of that stage and look very grown up and less like girls. =] In '05 they performed in Europe for the first time & in '06, the US for the first time. AND! yes, their songs ARE in Japanese. But no matter what the language, the music can still be amazing.

I now give you Ryoujoku no Ame!!

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