Friday, June 25, 2010

Friday's Song


Today's song is Dancer in the Dark by The Rasmus. Now! This song was inspired by the Björk movie, Dancer in the Dark. Why? Because Rasmus frontman Lauri Ylönen LOOOOOOVES Björk. She's his idol. He actually has a tattoo of her turning into a Swan on his arm. (I'll post pic) So they did this song on the deluxe edition of their album, Hide From the Sun.
The movie is VERY good! Lots of really cool and catchy songs. Even the last song, which is sad. The last song is, aptly named, The Last Song. (This is the last song. There are no violins. The choir is quiet...) VERY GOOD SONG! It doesn't have any music, just her singing. It's sad too. ='C

Anyways, here's a fan-made video of the song with the movie. It's really cool. =]
ENJOY!!! ♥♥

AND! His Björk tattoo. Sorry for the smallness of it, I can't find a bigger one. =C (he's shirtless too. :3) The black and white one is , for the most part, what the tat looks like. =] (I LOVE it! ♥)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Song :)

I know it's not Friday or anything. But I believe a song is in order. =]

This song helped me through a dark time in my life 2 years ago. 2 years ago in July, I lost my doggie, Scooter. ='C I had Scooter since he was a puppy. I cried and cried when he went. He had Lymphoma and the Vet said that he wouldn't live past a week. He was 10. He was a very sweet and loving dog. I CRIED the WHOLE day when he was put to sleep. I always miss him and always love him. Even now, when I think about him, I cry.

The song is In My Arms by Plumb. Enjoy.

Almost There...

My birthday is in 4 days now. We're getting closer and closer to it. Not only is it my birthday, but my dad is coming down too! This is the first time that we're going to meet. I'm VERY excited, but also very nervous. I have a right to be nervous. I'm pretty sure that anyone in my shoes would be nervous about meeting their dad for the first time.

My aunt asked me about this yesterday. Asked me if he was still coming and if I was nervous. I told her that he was and that I was nervous. She said that she'd be nervous too. Then we talked about the candy stache that she has and how surprised that my cousin hasn't found it yet. HAHA. She said that he usually finds them by now. She said thta she had to secretly put it in the garbage cuz if he found the wrappers, he'd question her. Oh, how I miss my cousin. ♥ He's 11 this year!! He's getting so big. I haven't seen them for almost a year; they moved to Oregon last year. ='C

Off topic. My dad is coming down Saturday and leaving Monday. He's bringing a friend and I believe, and hope, my little brother. I wanna meet him too. My lil' brother's name is Will and he's 4.
I don't know what I'm doing for my birthday yet. I don't know whether or not I'm gonna invite a few friends over or it just be family. Either way, I plan to have a small BBQ at my house.
I was also thinking that I hang out with my friends and have some fun Friday. Then the rest of the weekend be about family. I still don't know yet. I kinda like that idea though.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mulholland Drive

Last night, I watched Mulholland Drive for the first time. It was a very good, very long, and very confusing movie. But overall, VERY good! At the end, it leaves you REALLY confused with what just happened. The director has NEVER fully explained the movie. But here's what I, and others (including Naomi Watts who plays Betty/Diane), believe:

We believe that Betty and Rita are really just a dream. A dream that Diane Selwyn has dreamt up because she's unhappy with her life. Betty is her realization as a dream; her being successful and happy and outgoing. While in reality, Diane's life is far from it. Her life is dark and drab, she's not successful in the movie industry and her lover, Camilla Rhodes, left her for the director Adam. You start to see the dream sequence come apart near the climax. Rita gets scared and so wears a wig; looking more like Betty. One night, they make love. The, at 2am, Rita starts asserting her dominance by demanding they go to a club called Club Silencio.
So, in reality, I believe that the whole Betty and Rita part of the movie is a dream sequence being dreamt up by Diane. When the dream sequence ends, you see how Diane's life really is.

It's a VERY good movie and I HIGHLY recommend it. Though, be aware that the DVD DOESN'T have scene selection. That means that if you accidentally press 'Next' or whatnot, the movie will end and you'll have to start all over again. The director was PISSED cuz he said that not including the chapter selection "demystifies" the movie. I second that. Not having chapter selection sucks. But, non the less, it's a very good movie.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Unforgiven

I though it'd be a little bit cooler and give you MORE music!! =D
I'm giving you all THREE of Metallica's The Unforgiven. I think that they're amazing songs. Both as Metallica songs and as song on their own. When Un3 came out, people were most likely like "aww! Not ANOTHER one!" YES! ANOTHER one! This time, one that almost overpowers the original one!! Well, in MY opinion anyways. =]
Below are the 3 Unforgivens; the music video's for Un1 and Un2. And the live video of Un3 being played LIVE for the first time in Oslo, Norway. =] Also, the descriptions of what they mean. ^^


The Unforgiven: The first one James wrote about his parents. How they never let him do anything because of their religion (Christian Science). He said that he was very alienated as a kid because of this. So this is a song about it; not being able to do anything, blaming his parents, etc. =]

The Unforgiven II: This one, the explaination behind it has never been fully explained by the band; the meaning behind it. But because it deals with a female (She lay beside me..), I believe it to be about a woman that has betrayed him. An anit-love song? I guess you could say. I LOVE this one though. It's good. Not as good as the first one, but still good. =]

The Unforgiven III: In the newer one, it's about turning the blame on HIMSELF and asking if HE'S the unforgiven. VERY GOOD! It starts out with a piano piece. Which, I may add, was actually played by James Hetfield himself! =] I LOVE this one and I actually think it to almost SURPASS the original one. ♥ It's very heartfelt and I love it. People may hate it, but they can fuck off. It's an amazing song and I'm glad James fought for it to be on the album. Yes, you heard me. They recorded this song and when it came to picking the ones that were gonna be on the album, James fought for this one. Lars didn't really want it on the album, but James did and he won. =] It was shown on the Making of The Un3 from Mission: Metallica. (I'll post the vid) There IS no music video for The Un3 because it was never release as a single. So instead of a music video, I'll give you the video of it being played LIVE for the FIRST time! ..In Oslo, Norway. ♥

(Here's the Making of The Un3)

Friday's Song

Friday's song!!! =D
Today's song is Get Stoned by Hinder. ♥ One of my faves. ;) ♥

The music video that's on Hinder's Vevo account on YouTube is censored. I HATE censored stuff. The other music video that I found was crappy quality; both visually AND musically. So I'll give you a lyric video instead. =]

ENJOY!!!! ♥

BUT HAH! Instead of giving you just ONE Hinder video, I think I'll give you Lips of An Angel as well!! Cuz it's also one of my faves from this band. ♥
So here's Lips of An Angel!! ^^ ♥


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lemon Pledge

Ha! Here's the Lemon Pledge part from Family Guy. =] Cuz you probably don't know what I'm talking about. =P

And here's the Best of Consuela. =] Pretty funny.

And when she spends the night at the Griffins and sleeps in Chris' bed. lmfao.

My Weekend

Here's how my weekend went. Cuz well, it was exciting and awesome. =]

Friday - I cleaned for about 2.5hrs. Partly because the apt was disaster and because my dad's coming up for my birthday in 2 wks. After that, I chilled for awhile. Then Diana and Ron came over to pick me up. After they picked me up, we went to a Mexican place at Boulder Station. There, we sat for awhile and had lots of laughs. We talked about old shows that were on Adult Swim, made fun of the cleaning lady from Family Guy (we need more lemon pledge.)
While eating, we talked about going to a Karaoke place. It was one that you went into your own little room and picked out songs. It was FUN! We were there for THREE hrs. Those 3hrs just PASSED on by it was soo fun. The room was hot, but it was still hella fun. The last song we sung was Superman by Eminem. ;]
After Karaoke, we went to a mini-mart that was in the same shopping center to get drinks. Then we went to Fremont St. to just walk around. We didn't do much walking though cuz it was FREEZING outside!! The wind didn't help.
After walking for about 10mins on Fremont St. we went home. I got home at about 2:30pm. It was a fun night.

Saturday -
At around 7:30pm, Diana and Ron came to pick me up. Although, instead of going anywhere, we went to Diana's to hang out. When we got there and got into her apt, I heard a baby crying and wondered if it was John and Rei, two friends I haven't seen since their baby shower in December. Ron got up the stairs first and I heard John talking. I got SOO excited!!! I hugged John. But cuz Rei was feeding their baby, Nevaeh, I couldn't hug her just yet. Nevaeh is 6mos. =] She got so BIG! I haven't seen her before though.
John and Ron started playing a game. I forgot what one. Soul Caliber 4 I believe. After Rei finished feeding Nevaeh, I held her. She is SOO cute and looks just like her daddy!! ^^ After about 10 mins, John put Nevaeh to bed cuz she hadn't gotten that much sleep that day. Then Diana ordered pizza. WOO! The pizza was GOOD!

After we ate pizza, we played Rock Band. I was on Mic the first few songs. Then I did about 3 songs as Guitar, then I didn't play. BUT! I played Welcome Home by Coheed & Cambria as Vocals! I LOVE that song!! As guitar, I played Enter Sandman by Metallica. I kinda sucked though cuz I haven't played in over a year and I put the setting on medium. I had the blue button and I was NOT used to it. I think I got about 87% on the song.
After Rock Band, we watched movies. The first movie was Paranormal Activity. That was a really cool movie. I saw the alternate ending and it SUCKS compared to the original one. The original one is scarier. After Paranormal Activity, we watched Law-Abiding Citizen. That was a FANTASTIC movie. It was long; about 2 1/2hrs, but very good. It keeps you guessing till the very end. Kinda like the Saw movies, but with WAAY more substance. The last movie we watched was Ninja Assassin. I liked that movie. It was good.

After the movies, everyone, but me, played more Soul Caliber 4. I'm not a huge fan of that game. I don't really like fighting games like that. After awhile, at about 3:30am, Ron and I got ready to leave cuz he was the one who took me home. Diana walked with me to outside her apt. We sat down and talked a few mins before Ron came out. I told her that I was thinking about moving in with my friend who lives in Sacramento. But the only thing holding me back is my little brother that's on the way. I don't want to just leave him. =[ I wanna be there for him as he grows up.
Then Ron came out of the apt and we sat down for about 10-20mins just talking and laughed. It's about 4am now. I know cuz the sun was coming up. I haven't stayed up that late in FOREVER. After about 20mins, we said our goodbyes to Diana and left.
On the way to my apt, Ron and I talked some more. About nothing really, Just that I had to go to the store tomorrow to get my grandma coffee and smokes. He asked me if I wanted to see The Karate Kid with him later, but I said no cuz I don't know if I really wanna see it or not. It's the truth too. I really don't know if I want to see the movie or not. I'm still undecided about it. It looks cool and funny, but I don't know. When we got in front of my building, we hugged and I got out and went to my apt.
I unlocked the door and my grandma noted at how late it was. I told her that we didn't go anywhere, just Diana's apt. I made her coffee and let the dog out. I then shut the computer off cuz it'd been on all day. After that, I went to bed at around 5am.

Today (Sunday) -
Today, nothing really happened. I didn't hang out with Ron or Diana. I stayed home. I went to the store to get my grandma coffee. Then I went to the gas station to get her smokes. Cuz McDonalds is in the gas station, I got some. Mm... it was good. Later, I did my laundry watched TV. Nothing exciting. The only bad thing is that my grandma got drunk. When she gets really drunk, she gets really abusive verbally. It's not a good idea to be in the house when she's like that. But I couldn't really go anywhere, so I just stayed in my room.

So, yeup! That was my weekend in a nut shell. =] It was a FUN weekend. Except today; that wasn't fun. It would've been fun if I'd gone to see The Karate Kid with Ron. But I didn't. So it is what it is. This week, I have to clean the apt cuz my dad's coming to visit me for my birthday. It's in about 2wks, but I have to get everything in order.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday's Song

WOO! It's Friday's song!! =D
Today, the choice wasn't as easy as it has been in the past. But I have chosen one. Today's song is The Unforgiven played by Apocalyptica. =]
I absolutely LOOOOVE, LOVE their Metallica covers. They're SO heartfelt. Especially for the slow songs. Like this one! ♥
Below is the actual video they had for The Unforgiven. If I'm correct, the video was filmed at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland; where they met.


Advice for Metallica

Yes, you read it right. This is advice for Metallica. =] They are my most FAVORITE band of all time! And recently, well, they just suck ass. I appreciated that they tried going back to their roots for Death Magnetic, but in the end, it was a bit of a failure. Below are the names of each member and what, I believe, they need to improve on. =]
And for some reason, I'm gonna type it as if I'm talking to them. I don't know why, it's just easier for me.

James -
Seriously, You need to go back to a vocal teacher and redo your vocals. They're just plain awful. You need to have them be completely torn down and then rebuilt. Personally, I believe it's because of your vocal range that the band, in a sense, is actually being held back. Because you only have a certain range that you can do. Taking voice lessons and completely redoing your vocals will, hopefully, fix that. Allowing you to have a higher vocal range. Trust me, you need it.
This next one isn't really about the music, but still, it must be heard. I believe that you should go back to the GYM!! I understand that you're a little older in life and things aren't where they're supposed to be, but come on. The gym is necessary. I miss seeing the abs that you had back in the '90s when you take your shirt off. You're still hot and everything, but being in shape will be a huge plus factor. =]

Lars -
To be honest: YOU SUCK as a drummer!!!! But, in order to make yourself better and the music better, I believe that you should just COMPLETELY go back to your '80s drum kit. All 9 drums and that snare included. Cuz, let's be honest, the snare you have now SUCKS! It doesn't sound all that nice to the ears. It IS, of course, MUCH better than the snare you used for St. Anger, but it still sucks. I believe you once said in an interview that you went from a 9pc drum kit to a 7pc drum kit because of "precision" drumming. Now, I'm not a musician or someone well educated in the world of music, but I'm pretty sure that "precision" drumming doesn't dictate how many drums you have. Precision is the quality of drumming. By downsizing your kit, I believe that you coped out. Instead of learning how to play better, you took the easy way out and got rid of 2 drums.

Kirk -
To be honest, I don't believe that you should really work on anything. I mean, you're still the top guitarist that you were back in the 80s & 90s. I love how you took guitar lessons and, in a way, humbled yourself. You did, in fact, make yourself a little better because you learned different styles. I think that's really cool and I commend you for doing it. ♥
Though, however, because you do backing vocals during live concerts, I believe that you should do a little bit of voice lessons. Just to get the vocals to some sort of nice sounding. Mind you, you don't have to sound Opera or anything like that, just something that's nice to the ears.

Rob -
You're the same as Kirk; I don't believe that you really need to work on anything. I love the fact that you are reminiscent of Cliff. I believe that the bass was a huge factor missing in Metallica all those years. It was never the same sound after Cliff passed. I love how you remind us of Cliff because of your playing. I thank you for it. But just to make your playing just a little bit better, I think that you should use the Wah-Wah Pedal more often. I know you can do a great job at it.
Also, it's the same thing on vocals as it was on Kirk. If you're gonna be singing back vocals in concert, a few voice lessons would be good. Again, you don't have to sing Opera, just something that's nice to the ears. ^^

But yes. Above is what I believe that the individual members should work on. Now, of course, this is just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and might say something different. But it would be AMAZING if they just went COMPLETELY back to the 80s and started doing what they became famous for; mind-blowing guitar solos, bass solos, and just wicked sounding double bass drum action. =]

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mother's Baby Shower

So, Saturday was my mother's baby shower. There were a LOT of laughs to be had. The funniest one that comes to mind was when someone was looking up baby names. She looked up Ls, Us, and Ys. (one of the L names was Lars. I laughed [Lars Ulrich]. Then a U name was Ulrich. Also laughed my ass off & thought of Lars Ulrich [Metallica]) The funniest one was a U name; Usama. Her husband thought it funny too.
I'm going to be paraphrasing a little bit because my dumb brain can't remember every single detail/word said, but I'll do my best. Here's what was said

Chick: What about Usama?
Husband: I like that. Usama Bin. Wouldn't that be sick if he was born in September??! *laughs* I'm shooting for January.
Chick: *looks around like "Wtf"* o.O
Me: That doesn't make much sense. I mean, if the baby was to be born in September, he'd be concieved more around in December, not January.
Chick: I was thinking that too! But let him think differently.
Husband: There's always inducing her!

Their gifts were hilarious too!!! They bought Lisa and Leo 3 gag gifts; a recorder (Music maker), a pair of handcuffs (Which is weird cuz they went to Baby 'R Us. Ytf are Handcuffs in Baby 'R Us??!), and marbles (Choking hazard). Besides the gag gifts, they bought her a pack of recieving blankets.. and something else. Can't remember.

It was also like a bbq. There was a joke regarding that as well!! Here's that joke:

Mayhone: I'm only here for the BBQ! In a way, it's like a Baby BBQ.
*Leo walks in w/ ribs*
Mayhone: Hey Leo, what kind of babies are you cooking out there?!

I like these people. =]
OMG! The cake that a guest brought was SOOOOOOOOO good!! ♥ Cuz instead of icing in the middle of the cake, she ordered one with Buttercream instead! SOO GOOD!! Best. Cake. EVER! It was Vanilla & Chocolate swirl. Mmm.. ♥ ^^
All in all, the shower was a big success. There were LOTS of laughs (and some points of boredom[we watched Resident Evil:Extinction, The Chronicles of Riddick and I Am Legend. Near the end, Eurotrip.] Near the beginning, about an hr after it started, I played Left 4 Dead 2 for about 1.5hrs)
It was fun, and I can't wait for baby Tristan to get here. ♥

P.S. Lisa REALLY liked what I got her; a bottle starter kit w/ 5 bottles, a pacifer and a bottle washer and a Winnie the Pooh tote set which included 2 recieving blankets, a bib, a diaper chaning mat and the Tote bag. =] It was CUTE! ♥ (their baby theme is Pooh. -_- So typical)

Funny Grandma

Most days, my grandma is a real BITCH. But some days, she can be funny. Like today!
We were watching George Lopez and it was the episode where Angie's dad owes him $50 and he won't pay it. So Vic takes back his garage. George gets mad and says that he'll cut the lock off, then realizes that his tools are in the garage and can't get em.

My grandma said that when her and my grandpa lived in Vacaville, that happened to them once. PG&E turned off their power and locked the power box. She rented bolt cutters and cut off the lock and then turned the power back on! lmao. We laughed. They, of course, turned it off again. But still, it makes for a funny story.

Also, I found out that my aunt was the "good child" of the family. The kid that always minded, did everything you asked them too. My mother was the nightmare. HA! >=D I don't really like my mother. But I love my aunt!! ♥

Another funny story! One day, shortly after my aunt was brought home from the hospital, my grandma took a nap. When she woke up, she couldn't find my aunt but could hear her crying. She found her underneath the bed! My mother, two at the time, got my aunt out of her crib and put her there! My mother really was the devil kid in the family. o.O
I don't know what I am in my family. Whether or not if I'm the good kid or the bad one. I know that when I was a baby, I was the kind that only cried if I wanted to be fed or changed. My brother, however, cried at EVERYTHING. >< Annoying. All I know, though, is that I'm the only girl!! =D My mother has me, and now gonna be 2 boys. My dad right now has me and my lil' bro, Will. ♥
I should be spoiled. But instead, I'm treated like crap on my mother's side. woo. SUCH an awesome feeling. ='[

But anyways!! My grandma tells funny stories sometimes. =]