Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Almost There...

My birthday is in 4 days now. We're getting closer and closer to it. Not only is it my birthday, but my dad is coming down too! This is the first time that we're going to meet. I'm VERY excited, but also very nervous. I have a right to be nervous. I'm pretty sure that anyone in my shoes would be nervous about meeting their dad for the first time.

My aunt asked me about this yesterday. Asked me if he was still coming and if I was nervous. I told her that he was and that I was nervous. She said that she'd be nervous too. Then we talked about the candy stache that she has and how surprised that my cousin hasn't found it yet. HAHA. She said that he usually finds them by now. She said thta she had to secretly put it in the garbage cuz if he found the wrappers, he'd question her. Oh, how I miss my cousin. ♥ He's 11 this year!! He's getting so big. I haven't seen them for almost a year; they moved to Oregon last year. ='C

Off topic. My dad is coming down Saturday and leaving Monday. He's bringing a friend and I believe, and hope, my little brother. I wanna meet him too. My lil' brother's name is Will and he's 4.
I don't know what I'm doing for my birthday yet. I don't know whether or not I'm gonna invite a few friends over or it just be family. Either way, I plan to have a small BBQ at my house.
I was also thinking that I hang out with my friends and have some fun Friday. Then the rest of the weekend be about family. I still don't know yet. I kinda like that idea though.

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