Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mulholland Drive

Last night, I watched Mulholland Drive for the first time. It was a very good, very long, and very confusing movie. But overall, VERY good! At the end, it leaves you REALLY confused with what just happened. The director has NEVER fully explained the movie. But here's what I, and others (including Naomi Watts who plays Betty/Diane), believe:

We believe that Betty and Rita are really just a dream. A dream that Diane Selwyn has dreamt up because she's unhappy with her life. Betty is her realization as a dream; her being successful and happy and outgoing. While in reality, Diane's life is far from it. Her life is dark and drab, she's not successful in the movie industry and her lover, Camilla Rhodes, left her for the director Adam. You start to see the dream sequence come apart near the climax. Rita gets scared and so wears a wig; looking more like Betty. One night, they make love. The, at 2am, Rita starts asserting her dominance by demanding they go to a club called Club Silencio.
So, in reality, I believe that the whole Betty and Rita part of the movie is a dream sequence being dreamt up by Diane. When the dream sequence ends, you see how Diane's life really is.

It's a VERY good movie and I HIGHLY recommend it. Though, be aware that the DVD DOESN'T have scene selection. That means that if you accidentally press 'Next' or whatnot, the movie will end and you'll have to start all over again. The director was PISSED cuz he said that not including the chapter selection "demystifies" the movie. I second that. Not having chapter selection sucks. But, non the less, it's a very good movie.

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