Friday, June 18, 2010

The Unforgiven

I though it'd be a little bit cooler and give you MORE music!! =D
I'm giving you all THREE of Metallica's The Unforgiven. I think that they're amazing songs. Both as Metallica songs and as song on their own. When Un3 came out, people were most likely like "aww! Not ANOTHER one!" YES! ANOTHER one! This time, one that almost overpowers the original one!! Well, in MY opinion anyways. =]
Below are the 3 Unforgivens; the music video's for Un1 and Un2. And the live video of Un3 being played LIVE for the first time in Oslo, Norway. =] Also, the descriptions of what they mean. ^^


The Unforgiven: The first one James wrote about his parents. How they never let him do anything because of their religion (Christian Science). He said that he was very alienated as a kid because of this. So this is a song about it; not being able to do anything, blaming his parents, etc. =]

The Unforgiven II: This one, the explaination behind it has never been fully explained by the band; the meaning behind it. But because it deals with a female (She lay beside me..), I believe it to be about a woman that has betrayed him. An anit-love song? I guess you could say. I LOVE this one though. It's good. Not as good as the first one, but still good. =]

The Unforgiven III: In the newer one, it's about turning the blame on HIMSELF and asking if HE'S the unforgiven. VERY GOOD! It starts out with a piano piece. Which, I may add, was actually played by James Hetfield himself! =] I LOVE this one and I actually think it to almost SURPASS the original one. ♥ It's very heartfelt and I love it. People may hate it, but they can fuck off. It's an amazing song and I'm glad James fought for it to be on the album. Yes, you heard me. They recorded this song and when it came to picking the ones that were gonna be on the album, James fought for this one. Lars didn't really want it on the album, but James did and he won. =] It was shown on the Making of The Un3 from Mission: Metallica. (I'll post the vid) There IS no music video for The Un3 because it was never release as a single. So instead of a music video, I'll give you the video of it being played LIVE for the FIRST time! ..In Oslo, Norway. ♥

(Here's the Making of The Un3)

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