Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well.. I just found out that Metallica(The Unforgiven III) lost to AC/DC(War Machine). So there's no need in me watching the Grammys anymore.

SO! In light of the sad news, I can go to the gym. =]

BUT! In Funny news! Just like I predicted, Megadeth LOST!!!! >=D They lost to Judas Priest.

Gym & SVU

So! I went to the gym at about 9:20pm. I only walked for 25mins, then I came back home. I had to cuz SVU was on at 10pm and I didn't wanna miss it.

Tomorrow I'll be at the gym between 7pm & 8pm I believe. Hopefully.

Tomorrow's Sunday, which means that the GRAMMYS! are on!!! EEH!! I'm soooooo excited! Metallica's Nominated for Best Hard Rock performance for The Unforgiven III. I HOPE they win it! They deserve it! >=]
Last year, they were nominated for 4, but only won two; Best Metal Performance and Best Recording Package. The producer, Rick Rubin, also won a Grammy for Producer of the Year, Non-Classical.
Let's pray that the Metal Gods get it again this year!! <3
(Megadeth is also nominated for a Grammy in the Metal Performance category, but they won't win it. They NEVER win ANY of the Grammys they're nominated for. This'll be the 8th time they're nominated.. and would've lost. >=])

Off point a little bit. It has come to my attention that Apocalyptica's Worlds Collide CD peaked at #7 on Billboards Top Rock Albums chart. I do believe those boys deserve a Grammy as well. =]
They've sold more than 3million records worldwide. And I do believe that for a trio of Cellists and a drummer who mostly do instrumentals, that's really an accomplishment if you ask me.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Happy Birthday!! =]

Today is my mother's 33rd Birthday!! =D
She's getting old and the gray hairs on her head don't lie. =P
SO! Today she spent her day shopping with me! ^^


Today, my mother took me shopping! And to get our glasses. Well.. at least the frames. The glasses won't come for another month or 2. We went to a Walmart Supercenter.
We went to the clothes section first. She got a bunch of short sleeved shirts and shorts. I got 2 long sleeved shirts, a pair of Miami Ink PJ pants(they mach my new MI shirt <3), a package of undies, a new bra AND! The Celtic Wonder album!!!!!!! =D I LOVE this album! It's soo awesome! <3 I know I should've gotten a pair of pants, but I didn't.
After the clothes, we went to the food section and got some food, for grandma and I. Then after the food, we went to Pet section and got some catlitter, chew toys for Lacy(mother's Pit Bull <3), cat food, and a carboard scratching post for Fatty(my fat cat, who Lisa has).
After the pets. We went out to the garden section cuz she wanted to see how much a regular barbeque costs. She found the one we have, which is $30, and said that she'd come back at another time for it.
After we left the garden, I went on the search for the Celtic album! Which I found. After I found it, I went to the cashiers cuz I thought she'd be there. But she wasn't. So I went back to where the Linens were and found her; she was looking for new Jersey Knit sheets. They didn't have the Lavender color she had previously gotten, so she got a navy blue set instead.
After she got her sheets, we FINALLY went to the checkouts. =] We waited about.. 10-20 mins. Ugh! Took too long. But I skimmed the People Magazine for the Duggar story and saw the pics of baby Josie. She's soo tiny! I understand she's only 2lbs. but still!!
Then we FINALLY got to pic out our glass frames!! I tried looking for plastic ones that reminded me of the ones I had previously picked out, but never got to get. I looked and looked but always kept coming back to a J.Lo pair. I ultimately got those ones. The ones I got are black plastic with a white floral inlay on the sides of em. They're pretty! We were at the vision center for a LONG time! About 45mins. But while I was there, I was sitting next to some lens cleaner and cuz my glasses were dirty, I sampled it. I sprayed some on my glasses and they're CLEAN!! But don't worry, by the looks of the other bottles, I wasn't the only one to sample it.

These are the glasses I got. <3

After shopping, we had something to eat. She went to Taco Bell and I went to Subway. Mmmmmmm.. Subway! <33 Though I got some nachos and Pintos & cheese at Taco Bell.
Then when we got back to my place, we put all the food away and sat down to eat. We were talking about the baby, Leo's previous marriage, and some things I can't quite remember.
Then, when she was leaving, I started talking about me getting a cell phone. They didn't really care and basicly ignored me. -_- Though later my grandma and I talked a little more about it.

After my mother left, and I cooled down, I started playing Tokio Hotel's Humanoid album loudly and did the dishes. I also cleaned the carpet! And BOY was I in the mood to clean. But it didn't last that long. Once I was done with the carpet I went in my room and put everything away and came here! =D

Friday, January 29, 2010

Friday's Song

Sorry, sorry. I haven't said anything in the last two days. BUT! Today it's FRIDAY! Woo!! =]
And cuz it's Friday, that means Friday's song! But instead of just one video, you'll get TWO videos! =]
The artist is All That Remains and the two songs are Two Weeks and The Calling. All That Remains is a heavy metal band. So.. lots of screaming and Guitar solos. ATR mixes heavy metal with some melodic tones. On Wikkipedia, they're listed as Melodic Metalcore. I don't agree with that. Heavy Metal is what they are.

BUT!! Here are the songs!! The first is Two Weeks. This is their first song to appear on US Charts. I love the song and the music video. Though they cut half of the guitar solo out. But it's still good. Funny fact: The drummer's barefoot in it. =]

The second song is The Calling. It appeared on the Saw III soundtrack. The music video shows the band playing and changes between them and the first test from Saw III; the man with the chains in him. In this song, it's a whole-lotta screaming. But it's nice because it's balanced out with the semi-soft chorus. =]

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I started going to the gym yesterday and went again today. Both were for about an hr. I have to say that I do like going to the gym and I AM going to try to keep to it. I want to loose weight and get healthier. I'm going to make it my goal. =]

Today, I started on the treadmill for about 20mins. I tried running a full lap (1/4mile), but I only did half a lap. Then I went on a machine for my legs, then my arms. I stayed on that machine for a little while. Then I tried another one for arms, but it sucked, I couldn't do it. So I went back to the other arm one. Then some guys came in and used the racquet ball courts. A few mins after them, was a guy and his 4yo daughter. He went on the treadmill and then I went on the one next to him. I was on the treadmill again for about 1 1/4 miles @ 3.5mph and a 3 incline.
Then I did 10 leg push thingies on the leg thing. Then the arms again. Then I left.

My arms didn't hurt as much as they did last night. I supposed they're getting used to the strain. My armpits are what hurt the most. :'(
BUT! It's for a good cause; the cause of loosing my stomach fat. >=]
I need water. I don't bring water with me cuz I don't have any. I'm going to the store tomorrow so I'll get some then. They have a water fountain there, but the city water is DISGUSTING! =X
They also have one of those water fillers; 25cents for a gallon thing. And they have a soda machine which is $1. It has Dasani in it. But buying a gallon at Albertsons will be cheaper. So I'll do that tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Song of the Day

Today's song is one by a band from Switzerland, Eluveitie. Eluveitie is pronounce El-Vay-Tee. They sing in Gaulish, which is now extinct. They first formed in 2002 and since then has gone through many line-up changes. They are an 8 pieced band. Aside from the normal instruments, they play a variety of old instruments. i.e the hurdy Gurdy, Bagpipes, Violin, Mandola, etc. Eluveitie mixes a variety of music; Folk, Metal, Pagen, etc. It is very pretty though.
Below is their song Omnos. The translation is in the video. It's about a girl and a wolf. Omnos is from their latest album, Evocation I - The Arcane Dominion.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Okay, I just found out that my mother's PREGNANT!! YAY! I'm gonna be a big sister!! (again) ^^

She told me that she's about 12 weeks along and that she doesn't know what sex the baby is yet. And cuz she has high blood pressure, she has to see the dr. every 2 or 3 weeks because it's considered a High Risk pregnancy. When she goes in Friday, she gets an ultrasound and pics! Woo!!

I hope she has a girl. I want a baby sister. Though Cassie, my bff, said that they're not as great as they seem. Leo, my mother's bf and baby's daddy, hopes it's a girl too. She says that she's due sometime in August.
And I just realized that, the baby being born in August, we will have a child born each month from May to August! :) It's nothing much, but I think it's kinda cool. I also had a girl cousin born almost 9 years ago (in either Sep or Oct), but she was 3 months premature and didn't make it. :(

Now that I found out my mother's actually preggers, I've been guessing it for about a month or 2, I might move in with her. When my grandpa came to visit about 2 weeks ago, my mother wanted to know if I wanted to move in with her when she moved. I said no cuz she wants me to get a job and I am NOT getting a job without a car to get me there. But living with my grandma is chipping away at my mental health, so I probably will move in with her. Though she isn't much better, at least she's not drunk all the time. AND she has my Xbox. <33

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I have yet to start writing my story. I am still in the baby stages; planing it out, important dates, names, so on and so forth. But it is coming along nicely. =] I'm almost ready to start writing. Just a few more facts and I start.

I don't know how this story will go though. I have made several attempts to write stories, but they have all failed. I believe they fail because I am not good with getting words from my head onto paper. I know how the story goes in my head; but when it's time to get it down on paper, I never truly write what was in my head. Maybe because I wrote most of them in the first person (from the main character's perspective)? So maybe when I write this story in the Third Person perspective, it will be easy.

I have recently began to think of taking some writing courses at the Community college here. I believe they would help me in the writing part. I've been thinking of taking some music classes and language classes as well, but I have no money for them. Though my aunt said that I can sign a form to have the fees waivered; I don't pay for them. But I don't know cuz, how would I get down there? I will have to wait until I get a car and a job.

But whatever the outcome, I hope this is one story that I can finish. Who knows, maybe even one day publish it. But I won't get my hopes up THAT big. Even for me, that is a pretty big dream that most likely won't happen.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Story Idea

I recently got the idea of writing a story. I got the idea while looking up the history of Finland. =] Now, mind you, Finland did not become an Independent country until January 4, 1918. So, not so long ago; only 92 years. So Finland is still pretty much, in political terms (I guess), a baby.

The story is based upon King Charles XIII and Queen Hedwig Elizabeth Charlotte of Holstein-Gottorp. At the time that King Charles reigned, Finland was still a part of Sweden.
I took the liberty to change the place, from Sweden to Finland (actual Finland).
Also, the names will be changed as well. They'll be King Jukka Kyösti and Queen Kirsi Eveliina. I was thinking of a last name, but Kings and Queens didn't really have last names back then. Before they're married, her last name will be Hämeenniemi; his name, and subsequently hers, will be Jääskeläinen.

King Charles and Queen Hedwig never slept together. Indeed the only time(s) they did was to produce an heir. They had 2 children, but both died at infancy. Both of them had many lovers. Technically, there's no real english word for "male mistress". But in 18th and 19th century Venice, the term Cicisbeo was used to describe a man who was the professed gallant and lover of a married woman. Queen Hedwig was allegedly Bisexual and had affairs with both men and women. I'm going to use this in my story. The King will have 2 mistresses and the Queen will have 3 or 4 lovers; 2 male and 1 or 2 female. I plan to write that one of her lovers is the sibling of one of the Kings' mistresses.

This is my story plot so far. I will write about it more when I have begun to write the story. I will keep you posted on how the story is going.

Friday, January 22, 2010


One of my most FAVORITE games to play is Monopoly: Here and Now The World Edition. I like to play it online. I have the original Here and Now, but I have no one to play with. I play it online cuz you can play against computers and make them smart or stupid. I like to make them stupid so that it makes the game go by faster. Making the comps stupid doesn't mean I'll always win. Sometimes I go bankrupt and loose if one of the comps has the Dark Blue properties. Stupid robots. >=\
When I play Monopoly, I ALWAYS have to have something to eat. Like chips or popcorn. My snack of choice is Sunflower seeds. =] If I don't have Sunflower seeds, I don't really play Monopoly.

Though the only thing that I DON'T like about the game is that Berlin, DE, isn't on it. They have like.. 5 different Chinese Cities, yet they don't have Berlin, Germany. Kinda pisses me off. And they have Riga, Latvia. I never even heard of that! And one or two more. But they should've had Berlin on the board; make it like a Dark Blue or Green. =]

Hurdy Gurdy

Like I said previously, a Hurdy Gurdy is a type of Hand crank operated instrument. It is a stringed musical instrument in which the strings are sounded by means of a rosined wheel which the strings of the instrument pass over. This wheel, turned with a crank, functions much like a violin bow, making the instrument essentially a mechanical violin. Melodies are played on a keyboard that presses tangents (small wedges, usually made of wood) against one or more of these strings to change their pitch. Like most other acoustic string instruments, it has a soundboard to make the vibration of the strings audible.
Most hurdy gurdies have multiple "drone strings" which provide a constant pitch accompaniment to the melody, resulting in a sound similar to that of bagpipes. For this reason, the hurdy gurdy is often used interchangeably with or along with bagpipes, particularly in French and contemporary Hungarian folk music. The Hurdy Gurdy is more so a Traditional/Folk instrument.

German Hurdy Gurdy

A hurdy Gurdy being played. The guy answers a few questions in your heads. =]

Friday's Song

I am now gonna do a Friday's song. Every Friday I'll post a song/video. It won't be the same artist every week. Like Metallica or Apocalyptica, or Oomph!. It'll be different. A song of an artist I discovered that week or whatnot.

Today's song/video is Low Man's Lyric by Metallica. It's from their 1997 album, Reload. I like this song because it has a kinda folk-ish sound to it and it's the first time they've ever done it. In it, a Hurdy Gurdy was used. A Hurdy Gurdy is a hand crank operated Fiddle kinda. I'll explain in another post. But here's Low Man's Lyric.

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

On DirecTV, there's a certain channel that plays free Starz previews. It shows movies on Starz for a day or two. On Starz, there's this new show called Spartacus: Blood and Sand. It airs tomorrow on Starz. But for some reason, it was early on that preview channel. The channel is called T101. It's on channels 101, 334, and quite a few others. I watched it and was blown away. One of the best shows I have ever seen.
The first episode is called The Red Serpant. You learn that the main character is going off to battle and is leaving his wife behind. His wife doesn't like him leaving and he ties a ribbon around her thigh, saying that he will be close to her thighs. It then shows a bloody and gruesome battle between the two fighting armies. His army is victorious. You see next the General, Glaber, in his tent, strategizing their next move. Just then, his wife, Ilithyia, shows up, clad only in a fur cloak. He tells her that she should not be at the camp. Then, after a brief conversation about him being in her father's favor, they screw. (You don't see it. Just her naked & them making out.)
It then shows you Spartacus and one of his friends spying on the other army. They learn that they are moving towards the West to restock on food, wine and women. They go to Glaber to inform him of what the other army is doing and that they will be at the village in no more than 4 days. Glaber tells them that he will send his own men to the village to stop them. Spartacus doesn't not like this, but Glaber tells them to leave. Spartacus and his friend disobeys him and takes some of the men to the village.
It shows Spartacus' wife, Sura, in the early morning hours picking fruit off a tree. She sees men through the fog and runs. They catch her and she fights them off. Just then a sword comes flying through the air and impales one of them. She sees her husband and the other men running towards her. They fight and kill the other men. Sura and Spartacus kiss before being interrupted by Glaber showing up with some of his men. Glaber yells at Spartacus for disobeying him. Just then a fight between Spartacus' men and Glaber's men starts. The ending result that Glaber's men die while he runs away. Spartacus and Sura make love. (this you see.)
It shows Spartacus and Sura sleeping the next morning. A shadow is cast apon Spartacus and he awakes; to find Glaber and more of his men. He goes to attack but they stop him, taking his wife away from him. His men beat him up a little and then he passes out.
You see he is on a ship that is headed to Capua, a town in Italy, where he is to fight as a gladiator for punishment. There is a party there to commence the games that are to start in Capua the following day. The Senator, Albinius, makes a toast to the people at the party. He then asks Glaber, Batiatus, and another man (forgot his name) to present their Gladiators that will fight tomorrow. Ilithyia asks her father, Senator Albinius, if Glaber's men pleases him enough for Glaber to be back in his favor. Albinius remands her and says that he will have to do a lot more for Glaber to be back in his favor.
It is the next day at the arena and one of Spartacus' friends goes in the arena. He is matched with one of Batiatus' men and looses. Spartacus looks down at the pile of the other Gladiators that have lost. He goes into the Arena to fight against Batiatus' Gladiator. Just then, Glaber has a card up his sleeve and calls out four of his men. Albinius is against the idea, but Glaber says that Spartacus had disobeyed his order and that he must be punished for it. The crowd starts booing at him, but Albinius agrees to it. They start to fight and Spartacus is hurt. A few more cuts later and Spartacus is on his knees. In front of him he sees a shield with a Red Serpant on it. As this happens, he hears his wife telling him to get up and fight. He does so and kills each of the Gladiators one by one until he is the last one standing.
Albinius says that he is to be freed, but Glaber is strongly against it. Saying that a man who insulted him should not be alive. Batiatus steps in and says that he will buy him and train him at his place to be a Gladiator. As this happens, you hear the crowd chanting "LIVE" and Albinius agrees with Batiatus. He tells the crowd that Spartacus will live and the crowd cheers. Then the episode is over.

The cast for Spartacus: Blood and Sand has a few famous actors/actresses. One of which plays Lucretia, Batiatus' wife. Lucretia is played by Lucy Lawless (Xena: Warrior Princess). For this role, Lucy has red hair. Very sexy, but I still prefer her black hair over any other color. Batiatus is played by John Hannah (Jonathan from The Mummy trilogy). Spartacus is played by Andy Whitfield. I am not familiar with him or any of the movies he's been in.
Lucretia (Lucy Lawless)

Spartacus (Andy Whitfield) and his wife Sura (Erin Cummings)

Over all, I am VERY excited to watch this show every Friday and I can't WAIT until the new episode next week. I'll finally have something to watch Fridays now. =]

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

RAIN! & Kittens

It's raining!! Woo!! It's been raining the past 2 days and it's gonna keep raining untill Friday. Then it'll be sunny, but cold. On Friday, it's gonna rain again. Woo! I LOVE the rain. Living in the desert, you don't get much rain. So for it to be raining about 4 or 5 days in a row and all days kinda heavy rain, it's awesome! And I love it.

I was born and raised in Cali, so it always rained between the months of September/October through about April. Living in the desert sucks. I didn't even want to move here either! I LOVE the rain. It's calming and it's pretty. My favorite smell in the ENTIRE world is the smell after it rains.(second is Roses) The smell of wet dirt/pavement the moisture in the air. To me it smells awesome.

I don't think the cats like the rain though. Especially Mama kitty. She wants to go outside, but won't cuz of the rain. So now she has to stay inside until it stops raining. Cuz she's an outside cat, I don't think she likes being inside very much. But she'll have to like it when she gives birth. She's due no later than 4 or 5 weeks. Judging by how big she is, I'd say she'll have em in the next 3 or 4 weeks. I think she's pregnant with about 2 or 4 babies too. So she'll have about the same sized litter as last time. Last time she had 4 kittens; 3 boys and 1 girl. I kept the girl; Pumpkin. I named her Pumpkin cuz she was the only one in the litter to have a LOT more orange than the rest of em do. Her eyes are a golden color with green near the iris too. It's soo pretty!!

Mama and her last litter. Pumpkin's the one who's laying on her back. ..Her spotted tummy.

Pumpkin when she was about 8-10 weeks old. Now she's a little over 3 months. And a playful little thing too. She's adorable though and I love her.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Celtic Music

I LOVE Celtic Folk music. It's sooo amazing! It makes me wanna dance and it's just so pretty. While at Walmart, I listened to the samples for the Celtic album. It's called Celtic Wonder. It's soo pretty. The first song I heard was one called The Maid That Sold Her Barley.

The Maid That Sold Her Barley is about a boy who meets a farmers daughter. The girl's father tells him that she's to be married off at the market the next day and to be there if he wants her. He goes there the next day but is too late; She's already been sold. It's told from the Boy's perspective.

The second song is called Dúlamán. It's in Gaelic, so I don't know what they're saying. But I know that Dúlamán means Seaweed in Gaelic. You can find the translations online. It's a very pretty song and adds to the Celtic Folk specialness about it. =]


Went to Walmart today. YAY! Woke up at 11:30am. Watched what was left of Maury and then the first 5mins of Steve Wilkos. Then I was OFF to Walmart.

While walking to walmart, I realized there were a lot of stores near me within walking distance! One of which was In N Out. I LOVE their burgers! And their fries! OMG! Their fries! <3
Anyway off topic. I noticed a lot of stores. Target, Kohls, two Vet clinics, T-MOBILE! There's a T-Mobile in the SAME shopping center as Walmart. NEVER knew that. (After Walmart I went there and played around with the Samsung Memoir for about 5-10 mins. I LOVE that phone!) There's also a PetsMart next to it. Didn't go there though.
When I got to Walmart, I went straight towards the pants. Looked around for a while and picked a pair of Black pants. I looked around some more but couldn't get my mind off of a pair of light grey skinny jeans. I picked the size I thought I was and took the clothes to the dressing rooms. The lady there seemed like she was PISSED off and was kinda scary. She gave me a dressing room and I tried the pants. First pair was the Black pair. They wouldn't even button up. I was sad. They were kinda cool. So I took em off and tried the skinny jeans. At least these ones buttoned up! But they were a little too tight for me. So I took em off and gave em to the lady when I got out.
I couldn't find any bigger size for the black pants so I went for the Skinny jeans instead. I got a size bigger than I had tried on and then a size bigger than that. Looked around a little more and found a little section of Miami Ink and L.A Ink shirts & socks only. Looked at a few shirts and I liked one of the Miami Ink ones. (a baseball sleeve shirt with a skull, wings and a rose) I took the three items into the dressing room and tried the shirt on first. Then I put the pants that were a size bigger than what I had tried on, on. They fit awesomely! But I noticed when I put em on, that one of the belt loops was broken. I was TOTALLY heartbroken. I changed back into my clothes and went back out to the pants. I put the 2 pairs of pants back on the rack (I didn't want to bug the lady again) and I started looking for my size. I didn't find ANY other ones in my size other than that ONE pair. Devastating! Then, feeling defeated, I walked around the clothing section a little more. Then I finally ventured into the Miley Cyrus section cuz I saw a different pair of grey Skinny jeans. These ones were a little darker and were faded. They're awesome! They had my size and I took a pair. =]
After I found the pants I wandered around for a little bit. But always staying close to the entertainment section. I wandered to the candle section on accident and found the rack of CDs and that little Sample thingy. I pushed the Button for a Celtic CD and it played this AWESOME song! It's called The Made that Sold her Barley. Continued to sing it while I was at Walmart. I was TORN. It was either the Celtic album or Metallica's Reload. I utlimately chose Reload.

With my pants, shirt and CD in hand, I continued to walk around the entertainment section for just a LITTLE bit more. Not long though. Then I went to the cashier and paid for my stuff. On the way out, I just LOOKED at some of the magazines. Then left and went to T-Mobile, where I played around with the Samsung Memoir. =]

While walking home it started to RAIN! WOO! And it's been raining ever since about 2:30pm straight! SOO awesome! I LOVE the rain. When I got home, I put on my new clothes to show my grandma! She said they were stupid and that the clothes were too tight. Bitch can't be happy about anything I do. But whatever. I LOVE the clothes I got. <3

Monday, January 18, 2010

Alarm Mixup

So. Last night before I went to bed, I set my alarm to 11am so that I could go to Walmart today. Well.. When I woke up today it was already 3:30PM. So I, naturally, thought that I had slept through the alarm. Then I remember that I ALWAYS wake up to my alarm. I asked my grandma if she had heard it go off and she said no. I checked it about an hour or 2 later and found out that it was set for 11PM. I was soo mad.
So now I'm gonna set it again tonight PROPERLY and go to Walmart tomorrow. My grandpa gave me a $40 gift card to Walmart and I plan to use it towards a pair of pants and a pair of PJ pants. Maybe something else, but IDK what else. I was thinking a Metallica album. But only if this Walmart has Load-Death Magentic. I already have the first 5 albums.

Load would be awesome. I wanna see the pics of Lars & Kirk being gay. In an interview with Guitar World, James was talking about them being Gay and said that they did it around him cuz they knew it pissed him off. Also, there were A LOT more photos in the lyric book than were actually put in it. But he took most of em out cuz he did NOT like them. The interviewer asked James if Kirk and Lars were really gay and he said that he hoped not and that it was only the drugs.
But for Death Magnetic, I was hoping to get the Box Edition, rather than the regular edition. They have the Box Edition in the Metallica store online. It's about $100. But it's well worth it! A collector's edition white coffin-shaped box which includes a Death Magnetic CD in a special carton box, an additional CD with 10 demos of the songs from the album entitled "Demo Magnetic", a DVD of additional "making of" footage not seen on Mission: Metallica, an exclusive t-shirt with the Death Magnetic logo, a flag, guitar picks, a back stage pass, a fold out coffin-shaped poster with the members of Metallica, and a collector's credit card with a code for a free download of a performance in Europe in September 2008. I believe the performance was one of the two concerts at the U2 stage in London.
Death,Magnetic,Metallica,Collector's Edition
The box and the contents. I've seen several pics of the Box Set and it looks as though as there's TWO Box editions. This one, with Metallica on the Coffin, and another one with the Death Magnetic symbol. The Metallica M's on either side of two magnets. I don't know if there's two editons of the box or whether one's the top and the other one is the bottom. But I believe that it's a top and bottom. Not two different versions of the box.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

About Me

The first post will be a little About Me. I tell you some basic stuff about me. Dumb, yes I know. But it'll help you get to know me. =]

Name: Laura Renee U.
Birthday: June 26, 1991 in Vallejo, Cali
Eye Color: Light Blue/green (really cool looking)

Favorite Music:
Anything from Punk Rock to Death Metal. >=]
Top 3 Bands: MetallicA, Apocalyptica, Tokio Hotel
Top 3 Movies: The Piano, Jurassic Park, Tremors
Favorite Kinds of Movies:
Asian Horror films!, Disney films, Sci-fi/Fantasy films, Vampire films
Favorite Food:
Spaghetti, Mac and Cheese, Pizza
Fav. 3 Restaurants:
Red Robin, Hometown Buffet, Casa Ramos (mexican restaurant in Cali)
Favorite Countries:
Germany, Finland & Denmark
Top 3 TV Shows: Sons of Anarchy, Law & Order: SVU, Nip/Tuck
Last Movie seen in Theatres:
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (sad, I know. But it was a good movie! =D)
Top 3 Video Games:
Left 4 Dead 2, Jak 3, Left 4 Dead
Fav Colors:
Black, Red & Dark Purple
Top 3 Dream Cars:
1976 Rally Yellow Camaro SS, 2010 Transformers edition Camaro SS2 w/ custom paint job (semi-light Purple that fades into semi-dark blue that fades into black. =])And any classic car that's 4 doors with suicide doors. =] Like the one from Sometimes They Come Back... Again. I think it was a Thunderbird.

Okay! Now getting FAAR away from the favorites! =] Now facts about me!

- Have 2 younger brothers; 14 1/2 yo on mother's side and a 6/7 yo on father's side. (I've never met my father or younger brother. =)
- I was raised in a broken home. So, no family support or love.
- Mother hates me, Grandma's an alcoholic who gets REAL mean if she drinks hard liquor, Grandpa visits maybe ONCE a year, Never met my father (Though I recently learned that he came by ONCE when I was a baby to see me. Mother said no. fucking bitch), My aunt recently moved to Oregon with my cousin. :( I LOOVE my cousin. I helped raise him when he was about 2-3. So I'm naturally closest to him.I was close with my aunt as well cuz she was the only one in my family who partially understood me.
- I've never lived in the same house for more than 4 yrs. We always keep moving. The longest we've been in a house (rather, mobile home) was a little over 4 years. The shortest; 3 months.
- For most of my life, I've lived in Mobile Homes. But it's alright because they feel most like home. The close space of everything together. It feels nice. In the 3 mo. house, It was almost 3,000sq.ft, Something I am WAY not used too. And cuz we don't have much furniture, it felt and acutally was, Empty. =\
All my life I've been around horses. That is, until I moved to Las Vegas. (I, personally, did NOT want to move here. In fact, my mother was the ONLY one who wanted to move here.) I LOOVE horses. My horse was a Palomino Paint named Murphy. He was about 10 years old. He had scars on his face and his front left hock. There were two stories as to how the scars came to be. The first is that they were caused when he was a yearling and was attacked by a mountain lion. The second is that he ran into barbed wire fence when he was a yearling. To me, and everyone else, the Barbed Wire fence seemed more plausible.
- As a child, I was very friendly. Always wanted to talk to people (even people I shouldn't). But as I got older, it changed. As I got older, I started getting more drawn in within myself. Less friendly and buddy like. In high school when we had to partner up and I didn't know anyone, I just stayed in my chair until the teacher put me with someone. I'm not a huge people person anymore.
- I find humor in things I shouldn't. Like when Michael Jackson died! When I found out he died, I just laughed my ass off. Laughed even harder when I found out it was cuz of drugs! See, Michael Jackson, I'm an 80's fan and I DO like some of his songs, but I wasn't an actual FAN. I actually hated MJ. His death didn't affect me.
- Billy Mays' death affected me though!! I LOVED him! I remember him in the Oxi Clean info-mericals when they first aired. His booming voice. I cried when I found out Billy died. =[
- I cried when I found out Steve Irwin died too. Dear GOD did I cry!! I read a little instert about Bindi about 6 months ago and I started getting teary eyed. I remember that man when I was like 7! Watching The Crocodile Hunter for the first time on TV. I was in 2nd grade and I lived in Redding, California at the time.

I'll also be using this blog to tell you stuff that I get annoyed with. Or things I like. I.E movies, songs, games, certain things in life. Things that can't be explained. That kind stuff. As well as my life and what happens in it. =]