Saturday, January 30, 2010


Today, my mother took me shopping! And to get our glasses. Well.. at least the frames. The glasses won't come for another month or 2. We went to a Walmart Supercenter.
We went to the clothes section first. She got a bunch of short sleeved shirts and shorts. I got 2 long sleeved shirts, a pair of Miami Ink PJ pants(they mach my new MI shirt <3), a package of undies, a new bra AND! The Celtic Wonder album!!!!!!! =D I LOVE this album! It's soo awesome! <3 I know I should've gotten a pair of pants, but I didn't.
After the clothes, we went to the food section and got some food, for grandma and I. Then after the food, we went to Pet section and got some catlitter, chew toys for Lacy(mother's Pit Bull <3), cat food, and a carboard scratching post for Fatty(my fat cat, who Lisa has).
After the pets. We went out to the garden section cuz she wanted to see how much a regular barbeque costs. She found the one we have, which is $30, and said that she'd come back at another time for it.
After we left the garden, I went on the search for the Celtic album! Which I found. After I found it, I went to the cashiers cuz I thought she'd be there. But she wasn't. So I went back to where the Linens were and found her; she was looking for new Jersey Knit sheets. They didn't have the Lavender color she had previously gotten, so she got a navy blue set instead.
After she got her sheets, we FINALLY went to the checkouts. =] We waited about.. 10-20 mins. Ugh! Took too long. But I skimmed the People Magazine for the Duggar story and saw the pics of baby Josie. She's soo tiny! I understand she's only 2lbs. but still!!
Then we FINALLY got to pic out our glass frames!! I tried looking for plastic ones that reminded me of the ones I had previously picked out, but never got to get. I looked and looked but always kept coming back to a J.Lo pair. I ultimately got those ones. The ones I got are black plastic with a white floral inlay on the sides of em. They're pretty! We were at the vision center for a LONG time! About 45mins. But while I was there, I was sitting next to some lens cleaner and cuz my glasses were dirty, I sampled it. I sprayed some on my glasses and they're CLEAN!! But don't worry, by the looks of the other bottles, I wasn't the only one to sample it.

These are the glasses I got. <3

After shopping, we had something to eat. She went to Taco Bell and I went to Subway. Mmmmmmm.. Subway! <33 Though I got some nachos and Pintos & cheese at Taco Bell.
Then when we got back to my place, we put all the food away and sat down to eat. We were talking about the baby, Leo's previous marriage, and some things I can't quite remember.
Then, when she was leaving, I started talking about me getting a cell phone. They didn't really care and basicly ignored me. -_- Though later my grandma and I talked a little more about it.

After my mother left, and I cooled down, I started playing Tokio Hotel's Humanoid album loudly and did the dishes. I also cleaned the carpet! And BOY was I in the mood to clean. But it didn't last that long. Once I was done with the carpet I went in my room and put everything away and came here! =D

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