Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Went to Walmart today. YAY! Woke up at 11:30am. Watched what was left of Maury and then the first 5mins of Steve Wilkos. Then I was OFF to Walmart.

While walking to walmart, I realized there were a lot of stores near me within walking distance! One of which was In N Out. I LOVE their burgers! And their fries! OMG! Their fries! <3
Anyway off topic. I noticed a lot of stores. Target, Kohls, two Vet clinics, T-MOBILE! There's a T-Mobile in the SAME shopping center as Walmart. NEVER knew that. (After Walmart I went there and played around with the Samsung Memoir for about 5-10 mins. I LOVE that phone!) There's also a PetsMart next to it. Didn't go there though.
When I got to Walmart, I went straight towards the pants. Looked around for a while and picked a pair of Black pants. I looked around some more but couldn't get my mind off of a pair of light grey skinny jeans. I picked the size I thought I was and took the clothes to the dressing rooms. The lady there seemed like she was PISSED off and was kinda scary. She gave me a dressing room and I tried the pants. First pair was the Black pair. They wouldn't even button up. I was sad. They were kinda cool. So I took em off and tried the skinny jeans. At least these ones buttoned up! But they were a little too tight for me. So I took em off and gave em to the lady when I got out.
I couldn't find any bigger size for the black pants so I went for the Skinny jeans instead. I got a size bigger than I had tried on and then a size bigger than that. Looked around a little more and found a little section of Miami Ink and L.A Ink shirts & socks only. Looked at a few shirts and I liked one of the Miami Ink ones. (a baseball sleeve shirt with a skull, wings and a rose) I took the three items into the dressing room and tried the shirt on first. Then I put the pants that were a size bigger than what I had tried on, on. They fit awesomely! But I noticed when I put em on, that one of the belt loops was broken. I was TOTALLY heartbroken. I changed back into my clothes and went back out to the pants. I put the 2 pairs of pants back on the rack (I didn't want to bug the lady again) and I started looking for my size. I didn't find ANY other ones in my size other than that ONE pair. Devastating! Then, feeling defeated, I walked around the clothing section a little more. Then I finally ventured into the Miley Cyrus section cuz I saw a different pair of grey Skinny jeans. These ones were a little darker and were faded. They're awesome! They had my size and I took a pair. =]
After I found the pants I wandered around for a little bit. But always staying close to the entertainment section. I wandered to the candle section on accident and found the rack of CDs and that little Sample thingy. I pushed the Button for a Celtic CD and it played this AWESOME song! It's called The Made that Sold her Barley. Continued to sing it while I was at Walmart. I was TORN. It was either the Celtic album or Metallica's Reload. I utlimately chose Reload.

With my pants, shirt and CD in hand, I continued to walk around the entertainment section for just a LITTLE bit more. Not long though. Then I went to the cashier and paid for my stuff. On the way out, I just LOOKED at some of the magazines. Then left and went to T-Mobile, where I played around with the Samsung Memoir. =]

While walking home it started to RAIN! WOO! And it's been raining ever since about 2:30pm straight! SOO awesome! I LOVE the rain. When I got home, I put on my new clothes to show my grandma! She said they were stupid and that the clothes were too tight. Bitch can't be happy about anything I do. But whatever. I LOVE the clothes I got. <3

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