Sunday, January 17, 2010

About Me

The first post will be a little About Me. I tell you some basic stuff about me. Dumb, yes I know. But it'll help you get to know me. =]

Name: Laura Renee U.
Birthday: June 26, 1991 in Vallejo, Cali
Eye Color: Light Blue/green (really cool looking)

Favorite Music:
Anything from Punk Rock to Death Metal. >=]
Top 3 Bands: MetallicA, Apocalyptica, Tokio Hotel
Top 3 Movies: The Piano, Jurassic Park, Tremors
Favorite Kinds of Movies:
Asian Horror films!, Disney films, Sci-fi/Fantasy films, Vampire films
Favorite Food:
Spaghetti, Mac and Cheese, Pizza
Fav. 3 Restaurants:
Red Robin, Hometown Buffet, Casa Ramos (mexican restaurant in Cali)
Favorite Countries:
Germany, Finland & Denmark
Top 3 TV Shows: Sons of Anarchy, Law & Order: SVU, Nip/Tuck
Last Movie seen in Theatres:
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (sad, I know. But it was a good movie! =D)
Top 3 Video Games:
Left 4 Dead 2, Jak 3, Left 4 Dead
Fav Colors:
Black, Red & Dark Purple
Top 3 Dream Cars:
1976 Rally Yellow Camaro SS, 2010 Transformers edition Camaro SS2 w/ custom paint job (semi-light Purple that fades into semi-dark blue that fades into black. =])And any classic car that's 4 doors with suicide doors. =] Like the one from Sometimes They Come Back... Again. I think it was a Thunderbird.

Okay! Now getting FAAR away from the favorites! =] Now facts about me!

- Have 2 younger brothers; 14 1/2 yo on mother's side and a 6/7 yo on father's side. (I've never met my father or younger brother. =)
- I was raised in a broken home. So, no family support or love.
- Mother hates me, Grandma's an alcoholic who gets REAL mean if she drinks hard liquor, Grandpa visits maybe ONCE a year, Never met my father (Though I recently learned that he came by ONCE when I was a baby to see me. Mother said no. fucking bitch), My aunt recently moved to Oregon with my cousin. :( I LOOVE my cousin. I helped raise him when he was about 2-3. So I'm naturally closest to him.I was close with my aunt as well cuz she was the only one in my family who partially understood me.
- I've never lived in the same house for more than 4 yrs. We always keep moving. The longest we've been in a house (rather, mobile home) was a little over 4 years. The shortest; 3 months.
- For most of my life, I've lived in Mobile Homes. But it's alright because they feel most like home. The close space of everything together. It feels nice. In the 3 mo. house, It was almost 3,000sq.ft, Something I am WAY not used too. And cuz we don't have much furniture, it felt and acutally was, Empty. =\
All my life I've been around horses. That is, until I moved to Las Vegas. (I, personally, did NOT want to move here. In fact, my mother was the ONLY one who wanted to move here.) I LOOVE horses. My horse was a Palomino Paint named Murphy. He was about 10 years old. He had scars on his face and his front left hock. There were two stories as to how the scars came to be. The first is that they were caused when he was a yearling and was attacked by a mountain lion. The second is that he ran into barbed wire fence when he was a yearling. To me, and everyone else, the Barbed Wire fence seemed more plausible.
- As a child, I was very friendly. Always wanted to talk to people (even people I shouldn't). But as I got older, it changed. As I got older, I started getting more drawn in within myself. Less friendly and buddy like. In high school when we had to partner up and I didn't know anyone, I just stayed in my chair until the teacher put me with someone. I'm not a huge people person anymore.
- I find humor in things I shouldn't. Like when Michael Jackson died! When I found out he died, I just laughed my ass off. Laughed even harder when I found out it was cuz of drugs! See, Michael Jackson, I'm an 80's fan and I DO like some of his songs, but I wasn't an actual FAN. I actually hated MJ. His death didn't affect me.
- Billy Mays' death affected me though!! I LOVED him! I remember him in the Oxi Clean info-mericals when they first aired. His booming voice. I cried when I found out Billy died. =[
- I cried when I found out Steve Irwin died too. Dear GOD did I cry!! I read a little instert about Bindi about 6 months ago and I started getting teary eyed. I remember that man when I was like 7! Watching The Crocodile Hunter for the first time on TV. I was in 2nd grade and I lived in Redding, California at the time.

I'll also be using this blog to tell you stuff that I get annoyed with. Or things I like. I.E movies, songs, games, certain things in life. Things that can't be explained. That kind stuff. As well as my life and what happens in it. =]

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