Sunday, October 31, 2010
Anyways. It all started when I wanted a Smirnoff. A fucking SMIRNOFF!! They're like SODA! They don't have that much alcohol in it (4.5%) and I'd have to drink a lot of em to get drunk. I got one from the fridge and she was just like "Uhh excuse me, what are you doing? You're underage. Put it back." After a min or two, Leo got in my face to put it back. Then fricken Mayhone(host of the party) got into it. Beena was the only one who was on my side. After a few mins with fighting with everyone, I just put the fucking thing back. Then like 10 mins after that, Leo gave me half of what was left of his Smirnoff. Btw, Apple Smirnoff SUUUCKS! Raspberry is the way to go. :)
Then throughout the rest of the party or whatever, Lisa was still pissing me off with the little things she was doing. Like pretending that she ACTUALLY gave a rats ass about me. You know what BITCH, you're 19 fucking years too late. So stfu and leave me alone. I'm 19, not fucking 5. I can do whatever the FUCK I want withOUT your goddamn permission!!
THEN!! When we were going home, her and Leo were talking about a going away party that was the next day.. Or later that day cuz it was already Saturday. How they wanted to see Paranormal Activity 2 and cuz of it, would only pop in for a beer or two, then say they had to leave and go see the movie. UUGH! I told them that I wanted to see the movie, they're response "We don't have any money. We're paying for ourselves." Then you know what, YOU can watch your OWN fucking baby! I'm tired of being free babysitting. You bitches need to get your fucking priorities straight; If you don't have money, then don't spend it on the fucking movies! Or going out to eat!
So the next day when she wanted me to watch the baby, my friend invited me for CiCi's. So I went and stupid Lisa got pissed at me. "Oh you knew you were gonna watch the baby tonight" You know what Bitch, I told you I wasn't going to. Not my fault you didn't fucking listen to me.
I was FUMING ALL fucking week cuz of what happened. It was made TEN times WORSE Friday. Friday I had to take the bus to work. Well I missed the original bus that I usually take. So I had to go a different route. I hadn't eaten ALL fucking day; I was HUNGRY. When I got to work, I thought Leo was there. I was gonna borrow like 5 bucks from him. When I try to find him, I find out that he's not at work; he called in. FUUCK! D= I told Sean, my trainer, and he said that he'd text Leo about getting me 5bucks. Leo NEVER answered his fucking texts. But a girl in my training class gave me a Snickers bar. It wasn't much, but hey; it was something.
When I got out of work, I asked Leo about the 5bucks and he was like "I'm not made of money" and blah, blah, blah. Then my fucking "mother" had to chime in; "We had a late dinner with his parents." Whatever. I looked on fucking facebook later that night when I got home. They had dinner at a fucking sushi restaurant. I'm pretty sure his parents don't know of any sushi places. Not to mention that I'm PRETTY sure that they wouldn't have approved of them bringing like 5 friends to dinner with them. Fucking asshole liars! I'M at work starving, meanwhile THEY'RE stuffing their fat asses with fucking sushi. That is EXTREMELY FUCKED UP!
My mother puts up a facade that she wants people to see. She doesn't want them to know the true her deep down inside. The true uncaring, selfish, hypocritical, degrading, unsupportive, lying BITCH that she is. Everyone always asks me, "You talk to your mother like that? OMG! She's your mother!" OMG! Like, she didn't give a DAMN about me when I was growing up. Some of the few early memories that I can remember of her, she's laying on the fucking couch watching tv. Yeah, she really cares about me. I think back on it know and I realize that she was more like a babysitter than a mother. I don't give a DAMN how young she was when she had me; you're supposed to unconditionally love your children until you die. Not treat them like fucking mistakes and hate them. She never once told me that she loved me. Or that she cared about me. Not ONCE. Never really hugged me. NOTHING. Always tried to dump me off on my grandma when she wanted to go out. She's not a mother; she's a fucking monster!
When I wanted that Smirnoff at Mayhone's, she was like "I never drank underage." BULL-FUCKING-SHIT! I remember PLENTY of fucking times you drank when you weren't of age! I remember you smoking cigarettes and POT! I remember pot a couple of times! I remember about 3 or 4yrs ago searching through her room and finding her pot pipe. She tells me not to do things, yet SHE did them her fucking self! You know what, I HATE hypocrites SOO fucking much! Don't you DARE tell me to NOT do something when you yourSELF did them! Or still do!! I will loose ALL fucking resepct I have for you. Even if I DON'T have respect for you, I WILL hate you even more.
I can see now why Leo's entire family hates her. About 2mos ago, Leo's extended family came into town to see the baby. At one of the dinners, she was told by TWO different family members that the whole family hated her. And that the only reason they tolerated her was cuz she had the baby. I'm sorry, but I do NOT feel bad for her, even for a second! She had that coming to her. Leo's family is supportive, kind, loving, caring. She is the EXTREME opposite. I have NO idea why Leo's even with her. Maybe he likes being abused and putdown. IDK. And I don't really care either. If he's willing to withstand the abuse, maybe they're ment for each other.
Don't you DARE try to be a mother to me. Especially in front of people! You're 19 years too fucking late for that shit. I DON'T need you and I DON'T like you! We will NEVER have the relationship that a normal mother - daughter does. You know what; I DON'T want it.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
All 3 songs come from the movie Cold Mountain. It's one of my favorite movies. I like the pretty music, the beautiful scenery and the wonderful acting. And Renee Zellwenger won Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. :)
The 3 songs are The Scarlet Tide, You Will Be My Ain True Love and I'm Coming Home.
The Scarlet Tide plays during the credits. It, as well as You Are My Ain True Love, are sung by Country singer Alison Krauss. The Scarlet Tide was nominated for Academy Award for Best Original Song. But it lost. :(
You Will Be My Ain True Love is playing during the battle scene. (btw: Ain basicly means Own. You are my own true love)
I'm Coming Home is sung by the townfolk near the beginning of the movie when they find out that they're going to war. I like the way it's sung. It's very pretty.
Without further aideu, here are the 3 songs. ♥
(here are the lyrics for I'm Going Home)
Farewell, vain world! I'm going home! My savior smiles and bids me come, And I don't care to stay here long! Sweet angels beckon me away, To sing God's praise in endless day, And I don't care to stay here long! Right up yonder, Christians, away up yonder, O, yes my Lord, for I don't care to stay here long. I'm glad that I am born to die, From grief and woe my soul shall fly, And I don't care to stay here long! Bright angels shall convey me home, Away to New Jerusalem, And I don't care to stay here long. Right up yonder, Christians, away up yonder, O, yes my Lord, for I don't care to stay here long. Right up yonder, Christians, away up yonder, O, yes my Lord, for I don't care to stay here long
Friday, October 1, 2010
Job pt3
I DOO!!! ♥♥♥♥
I went in for another interview Thursday. This time it was for Sony. I answered some questions and I got the job! :) I start Oct 18th. I'll be making $9/hr starting off. I had some laughs with the guy interviewing me cuz he knows my mother and her bf. Him and Leo always pretend that they hate each other. Even in front of the other workers. It's funny. :)
Right after the interview and the signing of papers saying that I was hired, I went to do a drug test. I had to pee in a cup!!! I didn't have to do that with my other job! But whatever. It was fine. I got free coffee and a yummy granola bar that had peanut butter on it. ♥
When I got home after the interview, I had to watch my baby bro. I set up the Xbox and started playing Left 4 Dead 2. I played for an hr or 2. Then got really tired. I couldn't go to bed though cuz I had to watch Tristan. Aand I forgot his stupid bottle. -_- So he was really fussy. Ugh! ><>
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Job pt2
I went in for an actual interview Friday. I filled out some papers, asking the same usual stuff. Then a man asked me alot of questions to situations that I would probably be into and asked what I would do during them. He also asked me all the computer operating systems, like Windows & mac, that I was familiar with. Along with cell phones, and if I was familiar with Playstation. Which I am. And also asked if I was familiar with the company.
A guy from Wild Blue, a satelite internet company, interviewed me. He said that I would be working for their call section if I was hired.
When the interview was done, he said that they would keep my file on the active file list and call me back within 7-10 days. I'm pretty sure that I NAILED the interview. So I'm very confidant that I'll get the job. I was a little confused though that I was being interviewed for Wild Blue. I thought I was gonna be with PS. But whatever. After working there for 6mos, you can transfer campaigns. :) So if and when I get the job, I'll work for Wild Blue until I'm able to go over to PS. ♥
After the interview, which took about 30mins to complete, I waited outside for my mother to get out. I waited about 40mins. While waiting, I was playing Yoshi's Island on GBA and listening to music. :D I am HELLA surprised that my GBA STILL works!! It's been through soo much shit, I'm really surprised. But hella happy cuz you know those things can LAST! ♥
Mind you, my GBA is the horizontal one. It's not the one that flips (GBA SP) I lost my SP. :( I have NOO idea wtf happened to it. I was really sad that it was gone. But the reg. GBA is good too. I just don't like how it doesn't have a light on it. Without the light, I can't play the GBA in the dark. :(
(The GBA I have. ♥♥)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday's Song
I originally heard this during a small performance by a Trumpet player. I forgot the man's name. But he played trumpet during songs. Some of the songs were performed by singers. Sting was one of them. Another was Josh Groban. Sting sung Shape of My Heart. I LOVED it. But I didn't know the name of the song.
A week ago, my friend and I watched The Professional. A VERY good movie staring a very young Natalie Portman and Frenchman Jean Reno. Shape of My Heart plays during the credits. :) But I still didn't know the actual name of the song until the other day. I looked it up cuz I thought it to be a VERY pretty song. I'm glad I did cuz it's a good song. I like it.
Without further delay, Here's Shape of My Heart by Sting!! ♥♥
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I got there and sat down in a chair. The girl showed us a slide show of what they expected us to do/be. We also heard a call between a real customer and call agent. After that, she showed us around the place and the different companies that were there. There's Apple, Playstation, DirecTV and a satelite internet place.
After the tour we sat down at a computer and began the testing. The first test was typing. I did really good at it. :) I knew I would be cuz I'm really good at typing. The next quiz was some kind of personality quiz or something. Then it was a math quiz. I actually did REALLY well on the test. :) I remembered almost everything that they asked us. ♥ After math it was a word meaning part and then word association part. I'm pretty sure that I failed those two. ._. They used words that I had NOO idea wtf they were. =\ But all in all, I think I did pretty good on the test.
After testing, I went to the chicks office to tell her I was done. She handed me a generic letter saying that if they didn't call me back in 5 business days that they were grateful, or something like that, for me being interested in working for the company. Well, it's been 5 business days and no call. :'C
I'm hoping that the 5 days were some kind of outline and that they'll call me. I'm EXTREMELY sad that they haven't called me yet. I NEED a job!!!!! D= I want to save up and get away from my grandma. She's driving me INSANE! ><
Today, she was like "Suppose you didn't get the job." She said it in a REALLY mean manner like it was my fault! I cried for hrs after that. It REALLY truly hurt me. I mean, how the FUCK could it have been my fault for not getting the job??!
My mother comes over tomorrow cuz I have to watch my lil' bro. So I'm gonna talk to her about it. I REALLY want this job.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Also, a VERY GOOD, very SAD song from their album The Sound of Madness is Call Me. :'( Makes me cry almost everytime I hear it.
Below are lyrics to TWO of their songs (Both from Us and Them) and a music video or two. :) Enjoy! ♥♥♥
--The Dream (recited by Olivia Battaglia)Whisper in the yard and turn the trees all into toys. Lay there on the ground and turn the dirt into your joy. From what I see and what I know, it's all been boring lately. So I suggest we trade a question mark in for a maybe. Time your riddles right and make a point that has no sense. Make sure that you're smiling and the money's been well spent. Innocence and ignorance it all goes hand in hand. I'm not sure that I'm right, but I hope you'll understand. I hope that you're still searching for the start that has no end and all the plastic people have now become your friends. Before you start to drift and your soul begins to scream, I just wanted to tell you that you're listening to a dream.
Once I had a halo but then it caught on fire. Once I knew a good man but he turned into a liar. Once I saw a blind man still looking for his eyes. Once I met a bastard who watched his father die. And now I'll tell ya how I know them all; I'm looking down on the atmosphere. I took my number and I waited in line. I'm not frail from the exposure; I'm taking pictures with my mind. Once I met a leader born from genocide. Once I knew a preacher to his faith he said goodbye. Once I met a good girl who shows her face no more. It's hard to learn your lesson when you've become the whole world's whore. And this is how I know them all; looking down on the atmosphere, looking down on the atmosphere. I took my number and I waited in line.--Atmosphere
Burning Bright
Call Me
Shed Some Light
Simple Man
Lady So Devine
The Dream
2 Months
Well! First off I'll tell you what's been happening since the last post; Nothing really!! haha! Well, a few things: Met my dad, my baby brother was born, & the jackass with the AWESOME board games left.
First off! My dad. Those 3 days were soo awesome!! ♥ He came with my lil brother (Will) and his girlfriend (Rosemary). The first night they came, we ate at Denny's and then my dad and I drove around and just talked for about an hr or 2. It was really cool. We had a lot of laughs and learned about each other.
The second day (and also my bday), they came inside my place and talked to my grandma. Grandma twisted some stuff to make it look like she was the good guy. It bugged me and he could see that. When we left he told me and that it was alright. After we left my place, we went back to their hotel room and I had cake!! =D I also got my hair cut!! WOO!! ♥ I love it! Rosemary did it cuz she's a hairstylist. After the cake and the haircut, Rosemary left and Will, my dad and I were in the room just chilling. Then she came back and we went to the strip! Not very exciting, but we windowshopped and went to a few Casinos. It was really fun. It got late and my feet hurt, so she took me home.
The Third day I got my cell phone!! ♥ It died quickly though, especially cuz it was only half charged. But whatevers. After the phone, we went to a gun store!! WOO!! I shot guns!! It was SOOO FUN!!! ♥♥ Then after that we went to see the Tournament of Kings at the Excaliber. Also fun. There were a LOT of HAWT guys in the show!! :3 King Norway and the Devil King or whatever also. So, to put it short, alot of eye candy. ;) After that we went to GAMEWORKS!! =D SOO FUN! I won a LOT of tickets; almost 2,000!! ♥ Then after that we just walked the strip some more for awhile, then went home.
The Fourth day I went to a Tmobile store to get the number changed and to put my name on the account as an Authorized user. :) Then after that we went back to their hotel and we played a really fun card game for awhile. Then went to the strip and ate at this really yummy restaurant called Stripburger. I had a crispy chickenburger. VERY GOOD! Then did MORE sight seeing of the Strip! Then home
The Last day, we got up early and had breakfast at iHop. Then they had to leave. But the weekend was VERY fun and I was VERY grateful for it. And I can't wait till I meet the rest of my dad's side of the family! :) ♥
On July 14, at 2 in the morning, my baby brother Tristan was born. He was born about a week premature. But it's alright. He was a little small, but he was released from the hospital when my mother was. It's now been a little over a month and he's gotten so big!! He weighed 5lbs 14ozs at birth. He now weighs around 7lbs. :) I am a VERY proud big sissy again! ♥
About a week or two after my baby brother was born, I contacted my bff again! YAY! She moved back to Colorado, or so I thought, last year. She lives in Arizona right now. I haven't been able to contact her since cuz she doesn't have a myspace and unbeknownst to be, she shielded herself on the Search engine on Facebook. So you couldn't find her unless she let you. WELL! We now talk, well text, a few times. :) BUT!
And in other news! The jackass with the AWESOME boardgames has moved away. :( It only makes me sad cuz now we can't have game nights. Which means no more Arkham Horror, Cosmic Encounter, Pandemic and the awesome card game Fluxx. I'd say no more Apples to Apples, but Diana bought it. So we're good. :) After I get a job, I'mma buy the board games. So we'll be all right. ...After I FIND a job. ='C
Which brings me to other news!!! The place where my mother and her bf work are hiring again!! Leo, my mother's bf, said that he'd go to HR and tell them to hire me! So I reapplied to Sitel with his name in the "Refferenced by" part. A few days ago they called me! YAY! They only asked me simple questions regarding my application though. Like have I worked for them before, am I available to work Monday thru Sunday, etc. I told them and she said that she'd keep me posted or some shit. GOD! I hope they hire me!! I mean, they hired my mother! So I guess in reality there wouldn't be a reason why they wouldn't hire me. But Idk. I gotta ask Leo about it again. =\
BUT YEAH!! That's basicly all that's happened to me in the past 2 months. :) Not ever exciting in ways, but it was kinda fun! ♥
Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday's Song
Today's song is Dancer in the Dark by The Rasmus. Now! This song was inspired by the Björk movie, Dancer in the Dark. Why? Because Rasmus frontman Lauri Ylönen LOOOOOOVES Björk. She's his idol. He actually has a tattoo of her turning into a Swan on his arm. (I'll post pic) So they did this song on the deluxe edition of their album, Hide From the Sun.
The movie is VERY good! Lots of really cool and catchy songs. Even the last song, which is sad. The last song is, aptly named, The Last Song. (This is the last song. There are no violins. The choir is quiet...) VERY GOOD SONG! It doesn't have any music, just her singing. It's sad too. ='C
Anyways, here's a fan-made video of the song with the movie. It's really cool. =]
ENJOY!!! ♥♥
AND! His Björk tattoo. Sorry for the smallness of it, I can't find a bigger one. =C (he's shirtless too. :3) The black and white one is , for the most part, what the tat looks like. =] (I LOVE it! ♥)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Song :)
This song helped me through a dark time in my life 2 years ago. 2 years ago in July, I lost my doggie, Scooter. ='C I had Scooter since he was a puppy. I cried and cried when he went. He had Lymphoma and the Vet said that he wouldn't live past a week. He was 10. He was a very sweet and loving dog. I CRIED the WHOLE day when he was put to sleep. I always miss him and always love him. Even now, when I think about him, I cry.
The song is In My Arms by Plumb. Enjoy.
Almost There...
My aunt asked me about this yesterday. Asked me if he was still coming and if I was nervous. I told her that he was and that I was nervous. She said that she'd be nervous too. Then we talked about the candy stache that she has and how surprised that my cousin hasn't found it yet. HAHA. She said that he usually finds them by now. She said thta she had to secretly put it in the garbage cuz if he found the wrappers, he'd question her. Oh, how I miss my cousin. ♥ He's 11 this year!! He's getting so big. I haven't seen them for almost a year; they moved to Oregon last year. ='C
Off topic. My dad is coming down Saturday and leaving Monday. He's bringing a friend and I believe, and hope, my little brother. I wanna meet him too. My lil' brother's name is Will and he's 4.
I don't know what I'm doing for my birthday yet. I don't know whether or not I'm gonna invite a few friends over or it just be family. Either way, I plan to have a small BBQ at my house.
I was also thinking that I hang out with my friends and have some fun Friday. Then the rest of the weekend be about family. I still don't know yet. I kinda like that idea though.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Mulholland Drive
We believe that Betty and Rita are really just a dream. A dream that Diane Selwyn has dreamt up because she's unhappy with her life. Betty is her realization as a dream; her being successful and happy and outgoing. While in reality, Diane's life is far from it. Her life is dark and drab, she's not successful in the movie industry and her lover, Camilla Rhodes, left her for the director Adam. You start to see the dream sequence come apart near the climax. Rita gets scared and so wears a wig; looking more like Betty. One night, they make love. The, at 2am, Rita starts asserting her dominance by demanding they go to a club called Club Silencio.
So, in reality, I believe that the whole Betty and Rita part of the movie is a dream sequence being dreamt up by Diane. When the dream sequence ends, you see how Diane's life really is.
It's a VERY good movie and I HIGHLY recommend it. Though, be aware that the DVD DOESN'T have scene selection. That means that if you accidentally press 'Next' or whatnot, the movie will end and you'll have to start all over again. The director was PISSED cuz he said that not including the chapter selection "demystifies" the movie. I second that. Not having chapter selection sucks. But, non the less, it's a very good movie.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Unforgiven
I'm giving you all THREE of Metallica's The Unforgiven. I think that they're amazing songs. Both as Metallica songs and as song on their own. When Un3 came out, people were most likely like "aww! Not ANOTHER one!" YES! ANOTHER one! This time, one that almost overpowers the original one!! Well, in MY opinion anyways. =]
Below are the 3 Unforgivens; the music video's for Un1 and Un2. And the live video of Un3 being played LIVE for the first time in Oslo, Norway. =] Also, the descriptions of what they mean. ^^
The Unforgiven: The first one James wrote about his parents. How they never let him do anything because of their religion (Christian Science). He said that he was very alienated as a kid because of this. So this is a song about it; not being able to do anything, blaming his parents, etc. =]
The Unforgiven II: This one, the explaination behind it has never been fully explained by the band; the meaning behind it. But because it deals with a female (She lay beside me..), I believe it to be about a woman that has betrayed him. An anit-love song? I guess you could say. I LOVE this one though. It's good. Not as good as the first one, but still good. =]
The Unforgiven III: In the newer one, it's about turning the blame on HIMSELF and asking if HE'S the unforgiven. VERY GOOD! It starts out with a piano piece. Which, I may add, was actually played by James Hetfield himself! =] I LOVE this one and I actually think it to almost SURPASS the original one. ♥ It's very heartfelt and I love it. People may hate it, but they can fuck off. It's an amazing song and I'm glad James fought for it to be on the album. Yes, you heard me. They recorded this song and when it came to picking the ones that were gonna be on the album, James fought for this one. Lars didn't really want it on the album, but James did and he won. =] It was shown on the Making of The Un3 from Mission: Metallica. (I'll post the vid) There IS no music video for The Un3 because it was never release as a single. So instead of a music video, I'll give you the video of it being played LIVE for the FIRST time! ..In Oslo, Norway. ♥
(Here's the Making of The Un3)
Friday's Song
Today's song is Get Stoned by Hinder. ♥ One of my faves. ;) ♥
The music video that's on Hinder's Vevo account on YouTube is censored. I HATE censored stuff. The other music video that I found was crappy quality; both visually AND musically. So I'll give you a lyric video instead. =]
ENJOY!!!! ♥
BUT HAH! Instead of giving you just ONE Hinder video, I think I'll give you Lips of An Angel as well!! Cuz it's also one of my faves from this band. ♥
So here's Lips of An Angel!! ^^ ♥
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Lemon Pledge
And here's the Best of Consuela. =] Pretty funny. ♥
And when she spends the night at the Griffins and sleeps in Chris' bed. lmfao. ♥
My Weekend
Friday - I cleaned for about 2.5hrs. Partly because the apt was disaster and because my dad's coming up for my birthday in 2 wks. After that, I chilled for awhile. Then Diana and Ron came over to pick me up. After they picked me up, we went to a Mexican place at Boulder Station. There, we sat for awhile and had lots of laughs. We talked about old shows that were on Adult Swim, made fun of the cleaning lady from Family Guy (we need more lemon pledge.) While eating, we talked about going to a Karaoke place. It was one that you went into your own little room and picked out songs. It was FUN! We were there for THREE hrs. Those 3hrs just PASSED on by it was soo fun. The room was hot, but it was still hella fun. The last song we sung was Superman by Eminem. ;]
After Karaoke, we went to a mini-mart that was in the same shopping center to get drinks. Then we went to Fremont St. to just walk around. We didn't do much walking though cuz it was FREEZING outside!! The wind didn't help.
After walking for about 10mins on Fremont St. we went home. I got home at about 2:30pm. It was a fun night. ♥
Saturday - At around 7:30pm, Diana and Ron came to pick me up. Although, instead of going anywhere, we went to Diana's to hang out. When we got there and got into her apt, I heard a baby crying and wondered if it was John and Rei, two friends I haven't seen since their baby shower in December. Ron got up the stairs first and I heard John talking. I got SOO excited!!! I hugged John. But cuz Rei was feeding their baby, Nevaeh, I couldn't hug her just yet. Nevaeh is 6mos. =] She got so BIG! I haven't seen her before though.
John and Ron started playing a game. I forgot what one. Soul Caliber 4 I believe. After Rei finished feeding Nevaeh, I held her. She is SOO cute and looks just like her daddy!! ^^ After about 10 mins, John put Nevaeh to bed cuz she hadn't gotten that much sleep that day. Then Diana ordered pizza. WOO! The pizza was GOOD! ♥
After we ate pizza, we played Rock Band. I was on Mic the first few songs. Then I did about 3 songs as Guitar, then I didn't play. BUT! I played Welcome Home by Coheed & Cambria as Vocals! I LOVE that song!! ♥ As guitar, I played Enter Sandman by Metallica. ♥ I kinda sucked though cuz I haven't played in over a year and I put the setting on medium. I had the blue button and I was NOT used to it. I think I got about 87% on the song.
After Rock Band, we watched movies. The first movie was Paranormal Activity. That was a really cool movie. I saw the alternate ending and it SUCKS compared to the original one. The original one is scarier. After Paranormal Activity, we watched Law-Abiding Citizen. That was a FANTASTIC movie. It was long; about 2 1/2hrs, but very good. It keeps you guessing till the very end. Kinda like the Saw movies, but with WAAY more substance. The last movie we watched was Ninja Assassin. I liked that movie. It was good.
After the movies, everyone, but me, played more Soul Caliber 4. I'm not a huge fan of that game. I don't really like fighting games like that. After awhile, at about 3:30am, Ron and I got ready to leave cuz he was the one who took me home. Diana walked with me to outside her apt. We sat down and talked a few mins before Ron came out. I told her that I was thinking about moving in with my friend who lives in Sacramento. But the only thing holding me back is my little brother that's on the way. I don't want to just leave him. =[ I wanna be there for him as he grows up.
Then Ron came out of the apt and we sat down for about 10-20mins just talking and laughed. It's about 4am now. I know cuz the sun was coming up. I haven't stayed up that late in FOREVER. After about 20mins, we said our goodbyes to Diana and left.
On the way to my apt, Ron and I talked some more. About nothing really, Just that I had to go to the store tomorrow to get my grandma coffee and smokes. He asked me if I wanted to see The Karate Kid with him later, but I said no cuz I don't know if I really wanna see it or not. It's the truth too. I really don't know if I want to see the movie or not. I'm still undecided about it. It looks cool and funny, but I don't know. When we got in front of my building, we hugged and I got out and went to my apt.
I unlocked the door and my grandma noted at how late it was. I told her that we didn't go anywhere, just Diana's apt. I made her coffee and let the dog out. I then shut the computer off cuz it'd been on all day. After that, I went to bed at around 5am.
Today (Sunday) - Today, nothing really happened. I didn't hang out with Ron or Diana. I stayed home. I went to the store to get my grandma coffee. Then I went to the gas station to get her smokes. Cuz McDonalds is in the gas station, I got some. Mm... it was good. ♥ Later, I did my laundry watched TV. Nothing exciting. The only bad thing is that my grandma got drunk. When she gets really drunk, she gets really abusive verbally. It's not a good idea to be in the house when she's like that. But I couldn't really go anywhere, so I just stayed in my room.
So, yeup! That was my weekend in a nut shell. =] It was a FUN weekend. Except today; that wasn't fun. It would've been fun if I'd gone to see The Karate Kid with Ron. But I didn't. So it is what it is. This week, I have to clean the apt cuz my dad's coming to visit me for my birthday. It's in about 2wks, but I have to get everything in order.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday's Song
Today, the choice wasn't as easy as it has been in the past. But I have chosen one. Today's song is The Unforgiven played by Apocalyptica. =]
I absolutely LOOOOVE, LOVE their Metallica covers. They're SO heartfelt. Especially for the slow songs. Like this one! ♥
Below is the actual video they had for The Unforgiven. If I'm correct, the video was filmed at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki, Finland; where they met.
Advice for Metallica
And for some reason, I'm gonna type it as if I'm talking to them. I don't know why, it's just easier for me.
James - Seriously, You need to go back to a vocal teacher and redo your vocals. They're just plain awful. You need to have them be completely torn down and then rebuilt. Personally, I believe it's because of your vocal range that the band, in a sense, is actually being held back. Because you only have a certain range that you can do. Taking voice lessons and completely redoing your vocals will, hopefully, fix that. Allowing you to have a higher vocal range. Trust me, you need it.
This next one isn't really about the music, but still, it must be heard. I believe that you should go back to the GYM!! I understand that you're a little older in life and things aren't where they're supposed to be, but come on. The gym is necessary. I miss seeing the abs that you had back in the '90s when you take your shirt off. You're still hot and everything, but being in shape will be a huge plus factor. =]
Lars - To be honest: YOU SUCK as a drummer!!!! But, in order to make yourself better and the music better, I believe that you should just COMPLETELY go back to your '80s drum kit. All 9 drums and that snare included. Cuz, let's be honest, the snare you have now SUCKS! It doesn't sound all that nice to the ears. It IS, of course, MUCH better than the snare you used for St. Anger, but it still sucks. I believe you once said in an interview that you went from a 9pc drum kit to a 7pc drum kit because of "precision" drumming. Now, I'm not a musician or someone well educated in the world of music, but I'm pretty sure that "precision" drumming doesn't dictate how many drums you have. Precision is the quality of drumming. By downsizing your kit, I believe that you coped out. Instead of learning how to play better, you took the easy way out and got rid of 2 drums.
Kirk - To be honest, I don't believe that you should really work on anything. I mean, you're still the top guitarist that you were back in the 80s & 90s. I love how you took guitar lessons and, in a way, humbled yourself. You did, in fact, make yourself a little better because you learned different styles. I think that's really cool and I commend you for doing it. ♥
Though, however, because you do backing vocals during live concerts, I believe that you should do a little bit of voice lessons. Just to get the vocals to some sort of nice sounding. Mind you, you don't have to sound Opera or anything like that, just something that's nice to the ears.
Rob - You're the same as Kirk; I don't believe that you really need to work on anything. I love the fact that you are reminiscent of Cliff. I believe that the bass was a huge factor missing in Metallica all those years. It was never the same sound after Cliff passed. I love how you remind us of Cliff because of your playing. I thank you for it. But just to make your playing just a little bit better, I think that you should use the Wah-Wah Pedal more often. I know you can do a great job at it.
Also, it's the same thing on vocals as it was on Kirk. If you're gonna be singing back vocals in concert, a few voice lessons would be good. Again, you don't have to sing Opera, just something that's nice to the ears. ^^
But yes. Above is what I believe that the individual members should work on. Now, of course, this is just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and might say something different. But it would be AMAZING if they just went COMPLETELY back to the 80s and started doing what they became famous for; mind-blowing guitar solos, bass solos, and just wicked sounding double bass drum action. =]
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Mother's Baby Shower
I'm going to be paraphrasing a little bit because my dumb brain can't remember every single detail/word said, but I'll do my best. Here's what was said
Chick: What about Usama?
Husband: I like that. Usama Bin. Wouldn't that be sick if he was born in September??! *laughs* I'm shooting for January.
Chick: *looks around like "Wtf"* o.O
Me: That doesn't make much sense. I mean, if the baby was to be born in September, he'd be concieved more around in December, not January.
Chick: I was thinking that too! But let him think differently.
Husband: There's always inducing her!
Their gifts were hilarious too!!! They bought Lisa and Leo 3 gag gifts; a recorder (Music maker), a pair of handcuffs (Which is weird cuz they went to Baby 'R Us. Ytf are Handcuffs in Baby 'R Us??!), and marbles (Choking hazard). Besides the gag gifts, they bought her a pack of recieving blankets.. and something else. Can't remember.
It was also like a bbq. There was a joke regarding that as well!! Here's that joke:
Mayhone: I'm only here for the BBQ! In a way, it's like a Baby BBQ.
*Leo walks in w/ ribs*
Mayhone: Hey Leo, what kind of babies are you cooking out there?!
I like these people. =]
OMG! The cake that a guest brought was SOOOOOOOOO good!! ♥ Cuz instead of icing in the middle of the cake, she ordered one with Buttercream instead! SOO GOOD!! Best. Cake. EVER! It was Vanilla & Chocolate swirl. Mmm.. ♥ ^^
All in all, the shower was a big success. There were LOTS of laughs (and some points of boredom[we watched Resident Evil:Extinction, The Chronicles of Riddick and I Am Legend. Near the end, Eurotrip.] Near the beginning, about an hr after it started, I played Left 4 Dead 2 for about 1.5hrs)
It was fun, and I can't wait for baby Tristan to get here. ♥
P.S. Lisa REALLY liked what I got her; a bottle starter kit w/ 5 bottles, a pacifer and a bottle washer and a Winnie the Pooh tote set which included 2 recieving blankets, a bib, a diaper chaning mat and the Tote bag. =] It was CUTE! ♥ (their baby theme is Pooh. -_- So typical)
Funny Grandma
We were watching George Lopez and it was the episode where Angie's dad owes him $50 and he won't pay it. So Vic takes back his garage. George gets mad and says that he'll cut the lock off, then realizes that his tools are in the garage and can't get em.
My grandma said that when her and my grandpa lived in Vacaville, that happened to them once. PG&E turned off their power and locked the power box. She rented bolt cutters and cut off the lock and then turned the power back on! lmao. We laughed. They, of course, turned it off again. But still, it makes for a funny story.
Also, I found out that my aunt was the "good child" of the family. The kid that always minded, did everything you asked them too. My mother was the nightmare. HA! >=D I don't really like my mother. But I love my aunt!! ♥
Another funny story! One day, shortly after my aunt was brought home from the hospital, my grandma took a nap. When she woke up, she couldn't find my aunt but could hear her crying. She found her underneath the bed! My mother, two at the time, got my aunt out of her crib and put her there! My mother really was the devil kid in the family. o.O
I don't know what I am in my family. Whether or not if I'm the good kid or the bad one. I know that when I was a baby, I was the kind that only cried if I wanted to be fed or changed. My brother, however, cried at EVERYTHING. >< Annoying. All I know, though, is that I'm the only girl!! =D My mother has me, and now gonna be 2 boys. My dad right now has me and my lil' bro, Will. ♥
I should be spoiled. But instead, I'm treated like crap on my mother's side. woo. SUCH an awesome feeling. ='[
But anyways!! My grandma tells funny stories sometimes. =]
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Today's Song!!
The Rasmus is one of Finland's awesomest band. ♥ They've been together since 1994 when they all met in high school. The only line change they've had was in '99 when the drummer left. He was replaced with Aki Hakkala. yay! Before 2001, they were simply known as Rasmus. But they didn't want to be confused with a Swedish DJ named Rasmus, so they changed their name to The Rasmus.
Your Forgiveness is from their newest album, Black Roses. The album in general is about breakup, the feelings happening after the breakup and feelings while being trapped in the relationship. The songs were written by the band. But Lauri has writing creds on all of the songs. Given the meanings of the songs and his writing creds, I believe that the songs, especially Livin' In A World Without You, are about a breakup he had with Paula Vesala. Paula is one of the vocalists for the Finnish Pop group PMMP. I LOVE them! ♥
Off topic. I believe that the songs were inspired by a breakup. Your Forgiveness is one of my favorite songs from the album. So enjoy! ♥
(PS, the video was directed by the bands Bassist Eero Heinonen. ♥)
Friday, May 14, 2010
Friday's Song
A Perfect Circle is fronted by Tool's frontman, Maynard James Keenan. The Outsider, evident from the lyrics, I believe is an Anti-suicide song. I'm partial about suicide. If you want to kill yourself, who should say no and try to stop you. Wanting to end your life should be your decision and your decision alone.
But anyways. There are actually THREE versions of The Outsider; the original one , a light remix and a darker remix. The darker remix is often called the Resident Renholder mix or the Apocalypse Remix. Under the title Resident Renholder mix, it was on the Resident Evil: Apocalypse soundtrack. It was also on the Prison Break soundtrack listed as Apocalypse Mix. The light remix is called the Frosted Yogurt mix. It's more toned down than the original song.
Below are the 3 versions. My fav is the original and the Apocalypse Remix. ENJOY! ♥
Thursday, May 13, 2010
My Day
When I got outside, I took the headphones out of the container, and put them on my head. ♥ The earrings were in my purse.
When I got home, I called my mother to see if I could go over there. When I called her to ask, she said that she was on her way out to go pick up the baby's crib. I said to wait 5/10 mins so I could go over there. She said fine. My grandma yelled at me, saying that I had to let the dog out, vacuum, and what not. I let the dog out, but because I was in a hurry, and she was being a bitch, she wasn't out long enough to go to the bathroom. My grandma was pissed and then I slammed the door and left. When I was leaving, she was on the phone with my mother. IDK what she was talking about. But when I got to my mother's house, her bf asked me what she was yelling about. I told him it was cuz I didn't let Lacy(the dog) out long enough and blah blah blah. My mother asked me as well, I told her the same thing.
After about 5mins of being in the house, we left for Wal-Mart to pick up the baby crib. We get to Wal-mart, pass the electronic section. My mother's bf, Leo, goes in it to check out the movies. He didn't get any. Then we went to the Site-To-Store pickup area to get the crib. We get it and take it to the car. The crib box didn't fit all the way into the car, so a little of it was sticking out of the trunk.
We get back home and Leo & I bring it up the stairs, to the apt, and into the baby's room. Then I precede to open the box and take everything out. After every thing's out, my mother and I start to assemble it. Leo didn't help until about the middle of putting it together. We think it was because he felt left out. He said it was because of some baseball game. But whatever. We get it finished and it looked GOOD! Then I notice that the bottom where the mattress goes was way crooked. But, we leave it as it was and left to get the mattress for it.
The first Wal-Mart we went to, were we got the crib, didn't have the mattress that my mother wanted. So we went to one far away. I told her of the one that was near my house (the one I had just gone to earlier) and she said No cuz it was a Ghetto-Mart. I agree with her.
We get to the Wal-mart and go to the baby section for the mattress. While there, I see the Pooh Bear walker and bouncy seat thingy for the baby. I ask if she's gonna get either one. She said no. -_- Not even if someone GETS her the walker, will she use it. Such a bitch. Anyways. After we get the mattress we go to the checkout stand and then leave. When we put it in the car, the backseats had to go down. So! Because BOTH were down, I was sitting on top of the mattress. My head touched the headliner and I couldn't sit back all the way because there was nothing for me to hold my back; just a big empty hole that is the trunk.
After we get the mattress into the car, we go to In-N-Out to eat. Mind you, it's about 9:30pm when we enter In-N-Out. We order and eat there. While we were eating, both Leo and Lisa(my mother) had their phones out. They have the crappy Droid. I don't have a cell phone. I felt SO left out. ='[ Near the end of eating, inside I start to get a little panicky because I couldn't remember if my music player (which originally was/is my cell phone when I had service {a year ago}) was in the car. When we get to the car and I see that it IS indeed in it, I sigh a sigh of relief. After I get into the car and place myself on top of the mattress, I bend down to get it so I could listen to music. While bending down, I accidentally flip over my little basket of fries. They go flying everywhere. ;-; BUT! Because it was Leo's car and he's VERY anal about it being clean, even though he HATES it, I eat what fries I can see. =]
When we get to the apt, I take the mattress up the stairs. Leo, still mad about the fries, looks to see if there's anymore. After searching, he comes up the stairs and unlocks the door. I take the mattress to the baby's room and place it leaning on the wall. I noticed what was wrong with the mattress board before we left. So when they got in to the baby's room, I told them what it was and we fixed it. After it was fixed, Leo put the matress in the crib. We see that it fits and he takes the plastic off it. I then get the little Winnie the Pooh crib sheet and mattress pad for it, and Leo and Lisa put both on. It looks CUTE! ♥
After the crib sheet was on and we were done admiring it, Leo showed me how to unhook the car seat from the stroller and how to fold the stroller. It's all very easy. I felt like I was five. Fold a stroller is NOT that hard. =] In fact! They made it EASIER! ♥ I remember when it was difficult! You had to push the little buttons that were on either side and then try and fold. It was truly a two person job just to fold and unfold those strollers. NOW! It's really quite simple. All you need to do is simply twist a little holder that's on the stroller handle, fold in half and TA-DA! It's folded! ^^
When the demonstration was all done, I took Bailey, Leo's dog, out for a walk. He peed, squatting of course. When we were walking back to the apt, he smelled a tree. I got all hopefull for a minute that he would actually LIFT his leg and act like a boy dog. But, to no avail, he didn't do it. =[ Though he HAS done it in the past. But I don't think he's gonna be lifting his leg anytime soon.
Soon after I come back inside, Lisa takes me home. And to think; I went over there to play Saw and I didn't!! BUT! She gets off early tomorrow; 3pm. So I'mma call her at like 3:30 and ask to come over. ^^
But now because of all the walking I did, my legs, knees and ankles HURT like hell!!! ='[ AND I'm tired. AND I'm hungry. =[
(oh, btw, Lisa's having a boy! Not really happy; I was wishing for a girl. But whatever. I asked her the other day what she was gonna name him. She said maybe Tristan. I LOVE that name! ♥ For the middle name, Leo's parents pick it out. So they have no say in what it is. [Leo's 1/2 Chinese 1/2 Japanese]{he was born in Japan. :o Japan's AWESOME! ♥})
Thursday, April 29, 2010
But remember the adage "no man is an island?" That's true for women as well, and whatever passionate path you're on mentally and spiritually, you will find the need to connect with other like-minded individuals. You have the mind of a detective, always searching out new information and seeking to have your questions answered. Take special care that you are well turned-out when you leave the house -- this will gain you credibility and the trust of others, helping you satisfy your innate curiosity.
Also, your solitary pursuits make you very interesting company. Do make sure to go out every once in a while, and on those occasions, let your natural charm and attractiveness shine through. It doesn't take much effort -- a simple dress with a feminine touch, for example, will do the trick.
That is true. I don't really care what kind of clothes I wear. I like to wear comfy things. Like tshirts, pj pants, that type things. Things that aren't clingy to me. I HATE dresses. Though I do have 3 pretty dresses in my closet, I haven't actually worn them. Well, one I did; I wore it when my grandpa came to visit in January.
But seriously. This was surprisingly accurate. Though I won't ever believe in something like this. Unless there was a religion for Google or something. Then we'd see. =] Cuz, let's face it, we know more stuff because of Google, NOT school. ♥
Friday, April 23, 2010
Friday's Song
The Unforgiven III is my most absolute FAVORITE song from their new album, Death Magnetic. It's so heartfelt. It almost surpasses the first Unforgiven!! Unforgiven II was a good song, but not a great one. It wasn't up to par with Unforgiven. But, Un3, as it's known to fans, IS up to par and almost better than the original one!
In the 1st and 2nd Unforgiven, the concept was that YOU were the Unforgiven. in Un3, he finally asks if HE'S the unforgiven.
Instead of Un3 starting with the inverted horn, like Un1 & 2, it starts with a piano piece played by James Hetfield! Woo. He got to show off his piano skills. (he took piano for 3 years. Starting when he was about 10.) ;)
Until recently, Un3 has been the ONLY song that hasn't been played live. BUT, on April 14 in Oslo, Norway, it was played live for the FIRST time! ♥ And they did a FANTASTIC job of it! Of course, the Piano part and the orchestra parts WERE tracks, but everything else was real and wonderfully played. Though, it'd be really, really cool to one day watch James play piano.
SO! Without further adieu, The Unforgiven III LIVE! Enjoy!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
You see, my mother, as I have said in earlier posts, is having a baby in early August. After she has the baby and goes back to work, I'm going to be the one who babysits him while she's at work. I don't know how long I'll be babysitting. I will love it though because I love children. I would like to go to college though. But, of course, I would need to get my GED.
I don't have my high school diploma because of personal reasons. Mostly because, when senior year started, I had a job that I didn't want to sacrifice for school. When I quit the job, school was already halfway over. My mother re-enrolled me into high school, but she moved out a few days later. After she moved out, I stopped going because I have insomnia. Most nights I wouldn't have even went to bed by the time I had to get up. So I would always sleep in class and get yelled at for it. I thought it bullshit and stopped going. I didn't graduate and I don't have my GED yet. I don't really care for my GED. Mostly because I don't believe that a little piece of paper signed by a bunch of assholes should determine whether or not I'm smart. I know I'm smart. I may not be smart with the choices I have made in life, but intellectually and factually, I am smart.
But I digress. The first college in SF I looked at was the University of San Francisco. But because I believe that you need a high school diploma to enter that university, I don't believe that I'll be going to that school. The college that I am now looking into is Chabot College.
For college, I would like to be a major in Music Theory with minors in both Art and History. Though, to be honest, these would not help me with the life career I have chosen. I want to be a Hair Stylist. =] Stupid and somewhat dumb, perhaps. But I like working with peoples hair. I am no good with my own hair, but with other peoples, yes. Because I can see clearly what I'm doing. I can't see what I'm doing with my own hair.
Enough of hair talk. I would like to go to college in San Francisco, with a major in Music Theory and minors in Art and History.
I chose Music Theory because I love music. I would like to know how Harmonies and Rhythms work. How different parts of the song come together to create a beautiful sound. How to read sheet music. I would very much love to learn how to read sheet music. I think sheet music can be very pretty at times. All the different notes. And in truth, one of my many tattoo ideas has music notes incorporated into it.
I chose Art because I love to draw. Though I am NOT very good at it. I would like to learn. To be able to paint beautiful landscapes, or figures of people. Or maybe even just a beautiful mess. Though, mind you, not like that Jackson Pollock, I believe, who used paint splatters as art. No, no. I don't like his paintings at all. My favorite painter of all time is Johannes Vermeer. I LOVE him because of the how he painted. He didn't paint with just one color. No. He used many colors to create something beautiful.

But I have again digressed too much. The last is History. I chose History simply because I love History. I love to learn about different counties and what happened in their growth throughout the centuries. My favorite civilization is, of course, Ancient Egypt. But my second most favorite time period would be that of King Henry VIII and a little after him; between 1600-1800. Nothing more later in the 1800s because everything seemed to start getting modernized? I guess you could say. I love the old times. The times of big dresses with tight corsets. How everything was so simple in those days. It would've been nice to live in those times I think. Well, if you were high class. If you were low class, things wouldn't have been so nice.
I come to the end and to the point. I would love to go to college in San Francisco to have a, oh I don't know, Masters? in Music Theory with minors in Art and History. But because of present timings, I cannot. Hopefully in the not too distant future, I am able to. When things are more settled and I have become more settled in life. When I am at a happier place in my life, perhaps.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Today's Song! =]
Within Temptation is a Symphonic Metal band from Holland. They sing their songs in English. The band was formed in 1996 by the vocalist Sharon den Adel and rhythm guitarist Robert Westerholt.
I LOVE them!♥♥ The first song I heard was What Have You Done with Keith Caputo. (It's a downloadable track on Guitar Hero: World Tour) I have since listened to a lot of their songs and The Howling is one of my most favorite songs.
There are two versions of the music video; the original with the full length song, and a remake with the radio edit song version. My favorite video wise is the second version. But because it cuts out a small section of vocals, I prefer the original video. The video was released to help promote the video game The Chronicles of Spellborn.
(This is the link to the original Spellborn music video:
(This is the second version. I can't embed the original one because WTofficial has disabled the embedding and I can't find it anywhere else. But enjoy this one!)[To see the video in it's actual glory, make if fullscreen.]
(This is the long version of the song. This is my favorite version of it. ♥)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Friday's Song
But not only that, but I'm sure just about everyone has been in this kind of trouble. You've done something to hurt a friend, you want to fix the relationship but don't know how cause the person won't talk to you. I was in something like that about 4 years ago. I went out with my best friend's ex-boyfriend. When I told her she was really mad. But after a couple minutes she calmed down. We're still best friends. (We call each other sisters. <3)
But anyways! Here's the song; Whataya Want From Me? by Adam Lambert.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Today's Song
Today's song is Ryoujoku no Ame by Dir En Grey.
I first heard Dir En Grey while at a Korn concert in '06. They were one of the 2 bands to open for Korn. (The other being Deadsy) I was turned off at first because 1. I had just heard them for the first time and didn't know who they were & 2. Kyo(lead singer) hit himself in the face and made himself bleed. I'm not into shit like that. I thought it EXTREMELY stupid.
However, since becoming friends with a very good friend of mine who's obsessed with DEG, I have come to love them. I will give you basic DEG info.
DEG is a metal band from Japan. They have been around since around '97. When they first started, they were into the Visual Kei looks; i.e. they dressed and looked like girls. They have since grown out of that stage and look very grown up and less like girls. =] In '05 they performed in Europe for the first time & in '06, the US for the first time. AND! yes, their songs ARE in Japanese. But no matter what the language, the music can still be amazing.
I now give you Ryoujoku no Ame!!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Tattoos/Jesse James thing
- I DO NOT like face tattoos OF ANY SORT! If you have a face tattoo, you are AUTOMATICALLY unattractive to me and you should just stay the FUCK away from me. =]
- I don't really like a whole lot of black and grey tats. Some are okay, especially if it's like a portrait or something. But too much b&g is too much. I like colors. Colors pop and make the tat look unbelievable.
- You having TOO MANY tats is really ugly. Like if you have a whole chest piece, that's not hot. A very good example would be Trace Cyrus. That chest piece COUPLED with his FACE tats is WAY too much and makes him ugly. =] I do, however, like SMALL pieces. Like tats ABOVE your boob area. Those look nice. And maybe a few tats on your stomach, but NEVER an ENTIRE chest/torso piece.
- Tats on the hands, I'm on the fence. Some look amazing while others look really stupid. As far as the fingers go, I'm alright with those. It's the back of the hand I'm iffy about. ESPECIALLY the palm. WTF?! Why would you want a tat on you PALM?! It makes no sense.
- Tats on your armpits. Really? What the FUCK is the point of having a tattoo ON YOUR ARMPIT!?! o_O I see NO logic behind those and I think they're kinda stupid. =] Even if the tat's really awesome looking, to me it's gonna be a little dumb and I'm most likely NOT gonna like it. =]
But yeah. Those are my tattoo exceptions. Basically anywhere else is fine with me. Even the neck AND feet. Especially cuz I want tats on my neck and feet. =]
The reason as to WHY the whole Jesse James incident will be in this post is because I think that the SLUT he "cheated" with DOES have some nice tats. He has awesome tats as well.
(the reason cheated is in " is cuz we don't know for SURE that anything actually happened. Some out there say that she actually got PAID just to say that. One estimate was that she got paid $30,000. And I for one don't go with the flow and automatically believe that he cheated. Though, if he did, he needs to get hit upside the head with a 2x4. Sandra Bullock is awesome. 'Nuff said.)
I do, however, don't like some of her tats. One of which IS ON HER ARMPIT! It's of a brass knuckle. Really?! ON YOUR ARMPIT?! wtfever. It's hideous. ALSO! She has a TAT ON HER FACE that says "Pray for us sinners". REALLY?! Is that REALLY on your fucking FOREHEAD?! o__O
She has two identical tats on her lower stomach that look like Day of the Dead-esque tats. They look beautiful. She also has a large back piece that looks stunning. I believe it's a dragon with some flowers and flames. Beautiful. Though she also has two big flowers on her ASS that transcend from her lower back, onto BOTH her ass cheeks and a little bit down the back of her thighs. I'm not a huge fan of where they're placed, but they do look pretty.
Aside from the Day of the Dead tats on the lower stomach, she has a few that go up. I'm not a huge fan of those. They look pretty, but not a fan. She also has two large flowers on either side of her chest as well as a Heart lock between her boobs. I'm not a fan of that AT ALL. I'm not a huge fan of tats that go between your boobs. It might look cool sometimes, but, in the end, NO.
She also has little stars on MOST of her fingers. Meh. They're not that awesome. She also has tats on her hands. Also, not awesome. Her entire right arm is a BEAUTIFUL colored sleeve. Her left arm isn't so pretty. It's just bits and pieces that aren't connected. On the lower half of her left arm, she has Cheetah spots. Those look way dumb.
Now, as for Jesse James, I haven't seen all of his tats. But of the ones I HAVE seen, they look awesome. AND! They're COLOR! ;D
The one(s) that I like most are the ones on his wrists. They're of his first 2 kids' names; Chandler and Jesse Jr. Though I'm pretty positive that the Jr part isn't actually on the wrist; just Jesse. His kids names are Old English in some flames. They look really cool. On his right arm, he has a awesome looking skull. He DOES, however, have tats on his hands. They're colorful, but in the end, not all that attractive.
Also on his arms, from what I can see, he has: a set of praying hands, a dragon, some flames, an Octopus, Nautical star, a bike chain (on Octopus) and some other tats. I can't see the ones that are under his shirt.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Egyptian Sphinx
In fact, for centuries upon centuries, no one knew what the Sphinx was; what was under the sand, what the body looked like.
It was only until the early 1920's that the entire Sphinx, for the first time in over 3,000 years, was completely uncovered. Even today, we don't know who built it; we have a general idea. But for some, it's not the truth. This includes me.
Most archaeologists believe that it was built by Khafra, sometime between 2555 - 2532 BC. There is, however, no agreement on the date of his reign. Some authors say it was between 2558 BC and 2532 BC. Some authors believe it to be much earlier than that; 2520–2494 BC.
About the age of the Sphinx, being built between 2555 - 2532 BC is the most accepted timeline. Though, because of the theory of water erosion on the Sphinx, some think it much older than that; that it's at least 5,000 years old. This would mean that it was built pre-dynastic times (before 3100BC). The Egyptologists who put the building of the Sphinx during the reign of Khafre reject the Water Erosion theory. Saying that it was because of Acid Rain or even the poor quality of the Limestone that caused the erosion.
The Sphinx is missing it's nose. There are several theories as to why it's missing. The earliest mention of it's nose missing is by a Historian from the mid 1300's. He said that the Egyptian-Arab ruler of that time was mad that the people were giving offerings to the Sphinx and so he broke it off. He was then hung for vandalism. Another theory is that French ruler Napoleon's soldiers shot a cannonball at it and it broke. Though, sketches done by the Dane Frederic Louis Norden, made in 1737 and published in 1755, illustrate the Sphinx already without a nose. Most Egyptologists use these sketches to say that Napoleon's men couldn't have been the reason as to why the nose is missing.
In addition to the missing nose, a Ceremonial Pharaonic Beard is thought to have been attached, although this may have been added in later periods after the original construction. Egyptologist Vassil Dobrev has suggested that had the beard been an original part of the Sphinx, it would have damaged the chin of the statue upon falling. The lack of visible damage supports his theory that the beard was a later addition. Indeed, I do believe the beard to be an addition from a much later period. I believe, because the beard was a different color than the rest of the Sphinx, that it was an addition by a later Pharaoh.
The identity of the Sphinx is still a mystery. No one knows who it's of. In fact, no one knows for certain if it is any particular ruler. Indeed, because of the erosion to the face over the millennia, making conclusive racial identification is difficult. A forensic anthropologist, that used detailed measurements of the Sphinx, forensic drawings and computer imaging, concluded that Kharfe was not the model of the Sphinx.
There were also 3 passageways in the Sphinx; all lead to nowhere. One is near the Tail, another by it's hip and the final one between the front paws. Because they lead nowhere, it is still a mystery as to why they were made in the first place.
Another mystery is a supposed secret chamber underneath the Sphinx's paws. It was originally found in 1996 by using ultrasound from the surface. The last known investigation into this was done in 1998 and nothing more came of it. The investigations stopped because the Egyptologist in charge believed that the room was filled with water, or perhaps flooded, and was therefore potentially dangerous to the structure of the Sphinx if it was unearthed. Because of it, no one knows for certain what's in the chamber. There are several theories; some outlandish, some possibly true. One theory is that it holds important documents that predate the Egyptians; possibly around the time of Atlantis. Some believe that it's just documents that relate to Egypt because it was found in an Egyptian building. An outlandish theory is that it contains a Star ship of some kind and that is has something to do with Aliens.
I have two possibilities as to what the chamber contains. My first thought is that it contains Documents. Of what sort, I am unsure. Perhaps dating from the Atlantis time. My other thought is simply that there may be nothing in the chamber. Though, with today's technology, I believe that another scan of some sort may be possible as to figure out what may be in the chamber.
Our unknown knowledge of Egypt and the many wonders still to be discovered, are just a small part of why Ancient Egypt is my favorite Civilization. Maybe perhaps we are not supposed to know all of what Egypt was. Still, every year, we find something new, hidden in the Sands of Egypt.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday's Song
It's The Heart Ask Pleasure First/The Promise from The Piano. I grew up watching The Piano. I was always so intrigued by it. It's so beautiful; the simpleness to it, the beauty to it. Watching this movie made me wanna learn to play the piano. I still want to play it! Even after all these years. The piano is such a beautiful instrument; my favorite instrument, in fact. (The Cello is second and Guitar is third. =])
In the video, it's scenes from the movie and then cutaways showing a piano playing the song. It's really pretty. I like the piano parts. Just to see how the song is played with no one at the piano. So cool and pretty!!